Ladies and Gentles, I have a question?

You know how their are men out their who call themselves players and gets loads of girls right? Cool with that out of the way, their are girls online everywhere saying this is how to get a girl, this way or that way. Several guys follow it and from I see most of the time it doesn't work. Yet the players are doing things entirely different and their getting the girls that they want. A lot of people say its because of their bad boy mentality or something. I feel like its more about what type of girl you go after, where and when. Women are different, their isn't really a general rule for women when it comes to dating other than the obvious ones like make her laugh, smile, be nice, inviting and so on. I feel like the men we call players/ bad boys are just really good talkers/ manipulators. Due to their somewhat natural charm along with good looks, it doesn't take them long to get a girl that they want. I feel like the ones who follow the ladies advice may just not understand how to used it properly and their fore in end getting hurt because they did what the other girls said and it went out wrong. My question is do you feel like maybe a lot of guys just don't know how to apply the right pressure and push the right buttons in order to get a girl? of course theirs more to it but just mentally speaking.
Ladies and Gentles, I have a question?
8 Opinion