The guy I’m talking to opened my message an hr ago and never responded , does that mean his not interested no more?

Long story short I was talking to this guy we had a great connection we talked everyday even had a kiss together , till one day he accused me of seeing another guy he knows , which is not true at all ! The last message he sent me was thisšŸ‘ŒšŸ¾ Emoji because I said to him I swear itā€™s not true, after he sent that emoji I just didnā€™t respond cuz what else was there to say I thought he was ending the convo. Itā€™s been 4 days since then and he always watch my snap so I messaged him saying I miss you. Well he took 1 day to open it and itā€™s been 1hr now and he never responded he just left me on opened. I want to know is there still any chance between us or thatā€™s it his done.
1 y
Update it’s basically been 2 Days and still no response but his literally the first to watch my snap chat stories..
The guy I’m talking to opened my message an hr ago and never responded , does that mean his not interested no more?
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