Why are so many BOTH men and women one sided?

I am obviously not talking about everyone. Many people wonder why the other sex does not care about their wants or needs but wants them to care about theirs?

Why do some people expect the other to give give give and get nothing in return? Why is a woman who is too lazy to open a door for herself. Feels entitled to free dates. Wants a man to earn more then her. But then also expects a man to cook, clean, do the dishes, do the laundry, etc? Excuse me things have to work both ways.

The same as a man who sits on his ass playing video games all day when a woman has to work two jobs full time jobs and sometimes more and a part time job to even try and make ends meet. Has to also do all the house work? How is that fair?

How is it fair to use a woman for sex... Then give her nothing else. See this is why women don't like "nice guys". They aren't really nice. They like to act like they want a real relationship but I think women pick up on how disingenuous they are. A "bad boy" is pretty straight forward with what he wants...

Most of the time when a woman gets married and when men get married. The same as people don't usually marry people who sleep around. Most people grow out of that and realize that it is degenerate and that they end up regretting it (not everyone though) and really want something meaningful.

But it is like how some men want to sleep around all the time but don't want to be with a woman long term who does. The same as some women their man can't cheat but every chance they get they sneak around and cheat like crazy.

Good men and good women. The reason you can't find one is that they simply stay the hell away from bad people. They are out there they just don't come around you especially people who have been with more romantic (not just sexual) partners. They been hurt and know what to look out for anymore.

One sided relationships SUCK ASS!!! Don't expect to be treated more then you treat others. Also not ALL men just want sex andnotallwomen$$
Why are so many BOTH men and women one sided?
6 Opinion