Do men hate traditional women?

I'm more trad then modern; I'd like to couple up and have kids, I'm more on a submissive side as well which means I really enjoy making my partner happy (making food, massages, sex, looking good, etc.) and I honestly wouldn't complain at all if he was working and I was a housewife (I hate coorporate 9-5 jobs anyway). But I also wouldn't mind the other way around (me working, him a househusband) if needed be.

But it seems like the world has shifted to causal completely. I am getting laughed in my face when I mention my traiditional traits, both by men and women (I live in south Europe). They can't understand why I don't want to live with flatmates or have casual one night stands like everyone; to me home is a home, it's for family. Flatmates are not family, and becoming friends with flatmates is in my opinion the one way ticket to living a forever bachelor life and never settling down. My age group here still shares flats or lives with parents, more then half willingly. Men just run after casual girls, we trad ones are left behind and labeled as boring, lol.

Do men hate traditional women?
Post Opinion