How do you feel about short term romantic flings where you both behave like a couple but see an end to it due to difficult/complicated situations?

I think the best example of this would be long distance, not where you were already in long term relationship but maybe met on vacation, a work trip or something like that.

I've personally had some of these circumstances. I could be wrong, but I usually feel like we both leave each other better than when we found each other. According to the girls I've experienced this with, it's pretty exciting and fun for them, and they usually are more than happy to continue talking afterwards. However, after some time they are also usually the ones forcing the communication to die out. For example, ghosting. I'm not sure if it's because I come off a certain kind of way or if these are certain kinds of girls or if most girls are like this in these kinds of situations. Please share what you think.
Yay (Yes way)
Nay (No way)
May (Maybe baebay (baby))
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How do you feel about short term romantic flings where you both behave like a couple but see an end to it due to difficult/complicated situations?
1 Opinion