Advice for girls dating older guys or guys from different cultures?


So I'm dating this guy that's about 10 years older than me and we get along pretty well, we spend hours talking about everything and anything. We like each other you can say, though we have completely different tastes in music and movies there are some we can find level ground on. However, the problem lies with communication. I'm not the best the words so when I try to explain how I feel when he uses specific terms towards me I don't think he gets it for example he calls me 'wet behind the ears' or 'immature' or 'kid' or 'a smart Aleck which I just found out what it meant the other day and one of the meanings is very offensive. And then there is a culture difference, I'm from the Caribbean and he's American and if you've ever met a Caribbean person specifically Jamaican we turn everything serious into a joke and he doesn't get that so I stop and think how he'd interpret it before I say stuff. Or when other Jamaican men hit on me he finds what they say offensive and how I respond in a nonchalant way because I'm used to their obnoxiousness and directness and overly inflated egos.

So I guess the real problem here isn't age after all.

Advice for girls dating older guys or guys from different cultures?
3 Opinion