Would you still talk to someone who initiated contact with you on the weekend and then told you they were going on a date?

I’ve been talking to a guy for a while and even met him. We kind of got into it on Tuesday about him getting short with me. I thought the issue was settled. Then he started a conversation on Saturday night by sending me a cute picture of him. I sent one back. I asked what he was up to. He responded “About to have a drink with a friend. Not sure about after.” He knows I’ve been wanting to see him. I know we are not exclusive. I know we are both probably talking to other people. It felt like he was throwing it my face that he had a date in all honesty even though he didn’t say date. I hadn’t heard from him since Tuesday and that was the conversation. I just told him. “Have fun.”

Would you stop talking to him?
Stop talking to him. Stop responding.
It shouldn’t matter if your not exclusive.
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Would you still talk to someone who initiated contact with you on the weekend and then told you they were going on a date?
2 Opinion