Feel so mugged off and led on by the guy I've been seeing for the past 5 months. All the time he kept saying he doesn't know how things can work?

Everything is amazing in person but he reverts back too 'I'm not sure how the future will work'.
I want to do 3 years training and might have to move, but applying locally. He also hates the fact I live with my bro whilst previous suitors haven't be bothered. I'm wondering what the real issue is and why can't he just tell me.
He does this numerous times, makes out we can't be together then 2 nights later is inviting me over for dinner at 11pm. Contacting me if I block him etc. Saying he misses me and we have such a good connection.
I guess I'm not worth it hey
Feel so mugged off and led on by the guy I've been seeing for the past 5 months. All the time he kept saying he doesn't know how things can work?
3 Opinion