Is it my fault?

let a guy take me out on a date. later found out he was still with his ex. I cut communication but we graduated together and after the date I wasn’t really into him so I didn’t care much about the situation. he is also an entrepreneur so I thought it would be cool to shop with him despite. his girlfriend sees me texting and calls me. I tell her I don’t talk to him and that was that. then she made him block me. he contacts me a couple more times I tell him I’m not interested. fhe. last week I hear from him again and I tell him that hiding behind spam pages is why I don’t fw him. she has his passwords and texts me a looong paragraph about it. I respond that they are both delusional and should both collectively stop texting me because I don’t really care for him anyway. now I found out she is my cousin and I feel bad but she came at me wrong. I also seriously had no intentions of dating him but we don’t really speak so I wasn’t concerned about it much. She is making me seem like I’m messing with him or something. Note that he has also cheated multiple times before thsi. If I texted back it was never anything of me wanting him
Is it my fault?
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