Why would my ex do this?…?


Ok so I dated a girl from my workplace for around 6 months, things were good but eventually I just couldn’t communicate with her over text after I left the job and she took everything the wrong way which led to her upset. She blocked and unblocked me multiple times until she blocked me for a month, I think she went back to her toxic ex for that time, when she unblocked me but she didn’t reach out and neither did I but she created a new Instagram account and sent the girl I’m just getting involved with personal / slightly private stuff she found online of stuff I posted many years ago e. g forums including a pic of an operation that I had a while back, bare in mind that was one of my biggest insecurities that she knew about. Like I say she never reached out, I’ve blocked her now, I confronted her over message but she denied everything playing the fool, I’m just trying to understand why she sent her that as when we were dating I never saw her as the crazy ex type. The current girl had to delete her Instagram.

Why would my ex do this?…?
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