Am I an unlovable man?

There has been something weighing on my shoulders for a very long time.

I am 28, white, from the US, and I never had a real girlfriend. I am not the best looking guy in the world, probably average at best, and I am very short at 5 feet 6 inches. I am usually the shortest guy in the room by a big margin.

I have had a lot of setbacks and shortcomings over the years. I never really went to college that long, but I have companies interested in me wanting to offer me a 6 figure salary. I am a software engineer. Self taught.

As I said, I never had a real girlfriend. Most high school kids have more experience with relationships and intimacy than me. I haven't so much touched a woman in almost 8 years.

I am seeking a woman where we can be each other's first real relationship. I seek a woman that has never had a boyfriend or first love. That is a deal breaker.

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Am I an unlovable man?
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