Singles, would you marry a Russian refugee in order to protect them from war?

Singles, would you marry a Russian refugee in order to protect them from war?
Singles, would you marry a Russian refugee in order to protect them from war?

Millions of young men and women have fled Russia (and Ukraine) in order to avoid the war and both Russia and Ukraine's populations were on a sharp decline even before 2014 and 2022, respectively. Russia's population of active young men has gotten so low, they've reintroduced the draft. And Russian women (who were already not very picky and the total opposite of Western women in many ways), have started seeking out Western men, as potential partners in order to avoid ever having to be involved with the conflict back in their homeland.

Assuming someone opened up a dating service/website for these refugees looking for asylum from being sent home, over in the Western and non-Russian parts of the world, would you be willing to marry an attractive, compatible, English-speaking Russian seeking asylum to avoid losing their life in a pointless war?

There are millions of them to choose from. Would you be open to it?

Yes, I'd date/marry an attractive, compatible, young Russian to keep them out of war.
Nah, I'm good.
This question offends me! Grrrrrr!!!
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Singles, would you marry a Russian refugee in order to protect them from war?
21 Opinion