Do you know who Tolga is?

Do you know who Tolga is?

He created this site. This site wasn't supposed to be about girls asking guys, it was supposed to be about guys asking girls. I don't know how that got twisted around, but I think it was a huge mistake.

Tolga and his pal were having lunch in a bar, and they noticed guys approaching girls, and getting shot down in flames.

They came up with a great idea! They had a guy approach a table of girls, but rather than "hit" on them, just ask them for advice! The guy said he was interested in a girl across the room, and asked how he should go about it.

So now the girls put down their steak knives, and became nurturing creatures. They gave him tons of advice. But not only did he get advice, he was the ONLY guy surrounded by four girls. lol Brilliant!

They should have stuck with that theme, but now the site has morphed into..."When did you last take a shit?"

I left the site and came back, but I always tried to help the guys. That should be the theme.

Do you know who Tolga is?
2 Opinion