Would you be mad at your guy friend for trying to date a girl that you liked?

Let's say I still kinda like this guy but we have our awkwardness in that we don't interact with each other. Now I think he doesn't like me anymore or he is just tired of waiting on me. One week I was walking by and sneaking glances when he was talking with his dad. When I got into the car he was staring at the car. by the way I was riding with my dad and the car was tinted so I was unsure if he could see me looking too. I only see him around maybe once a week. The next week he wasn't there but he came to week after that. Plus he wasn't paying me any attention. Sorry for too much information/ if I'm all over the place. I'm on a dating app now to take my mind off of him and I realized recently that 3 of his guy friends are liking my profile I accidentally matched with one but he never messaged me.
Would you be mad at your guy friend for trying to date a girl that you liked?
1 Opinion