Should I be mad with my boyfriend who don't want to help me?


I'm quite confused whether I should be mad at him or not. But im feeling mad actually.

So me and my boyfriend been dating long distance for about a year. He is working outside the country. And when he going back home to his family and me, im the one who always drive to the airport to send or fetch him. So suddenly he got a job at our hometown so now he don't have to travel anymore and we don't have to be in a LDR anymore.

Long story short, I was assigned to go outside of the country due to work, because he's working, i don't want to trouble him to send me at the airport. So I go there by myself. He promised to fetch me from the airport when I go back home.

Which... he didn't. He told me that his car broke, no aircond so if he fetch me I will feel hot because no air conditioning inside his car, and it's raining heavily (which when i arrived, there's rain already stops) hence he could not drive to fetch me.

But nvm im independent women as i always been and i decided to go home, took a shower, and drive after that to his home since I've been missing him and take him to the dinner.

After a few days, i called him to ask how was he doing (cus that's my routine everyday) and also ask hows his car which he haven't fixed it.

Suddenly he told me that he was busy since he gotta drive to send his friends home from their night out.

Mind you, his car haven't get fixed yet, and at that time it was raining, and he can send his friends home, but he couldn't fetch me and send me home from the airport? I feel sad. I feel betrayed.

Feel sad because even after 12 hours flight, i was being understanding girlfriend and willing to go home by myself and straightaway after that drive to his house because i've been missing him and he said he missed me too. Although im tired im still have the effort to see him.

I dunno. Should i be mad? Should i not?

Should I be mad with my boyfriend who don't want to help me?
2 Opinion