I breakup with my ex boyfriend who I dated for 8 months. I only have met him 13 times in my life and I was fine with that. We were just busy with our life and I was trusting him. He was really kind and I respected his personality. However, one day I found him commenting on other girl (who looked kind of simillar type to me) with heart emoji. I asked him about it and he told me that it's his old friend, but it just looked like he was flirting with other girls so I left him read. Since then, he told me that recently he feel like he can't make me happy bc he wanna focus on work so he wanna break up with me and just be friends on text. I was so mad and sad that he mentioned that after I asked about the heart emoji but I just answered that we should breakup. However, I told him that I want to see him in the last so we made plans. On the day we were supposed to hanging out he told me that he might be busy at work so he will lmk if he could in the morning but he didn't text me all day and posting some selfies on SNS. I really felt upset that he really lost interest in me and I thought I don't want a person who doesn't care about me in my life so I told him that I can't be friends with him and I removed him from everywhere. Was my decision correct? Do you think he will realize that the thing he lost was really big or he'll just feel I am being petty for getting mad at breaking the promise?
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