My boyfriend puts me down a lot and it's hurting me?


We've had a difficult relationship from the start. We first met 3 years ago but it's it's very on and off since.

It's been on again for several months now. To begin with he was lovely but things have now taken a darker turn.

He is very chauvinistic and takes great joy in reminding me that I'm on a biological clock and that he is not and that women age worse than men. He constantly puts me down and says I'm not allowed to do normal stuff such as send emojis in texts or ask any questions. He constantly mocks me and when i cry he calls me over sensitive and says I have issues. He will withhold affection when I need it, its only ever on his terms.

He doesn't respect my job or my career , I don't feel comfortable talking about normal stuff round him but then he gets angry that I don't feel comfortable. À

I'm at breaking point and my needs aren't being met in this relationship but he's worn me down so much that I honestly don't believe i would ever get anyone else. He constantly reminded me that my time is running out as I'm 26.

My boyfriend puts me down a lot and it's hurting me?
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