Do you agree that rejection has consequences?


There is an assumption that when incels say they are rejected because of their appearance, that statement is somehow false and is simply used to cover a myriad of character flaws that are the *real* reason (s) for their repeated rejections. I think that is untrue to a significant degree. I believe the character flaws and rage *are caused by repeated rejections* and not the inverse.

Every single woman writing in here has rejected men before ever talking to them based on their appearance only. I have done this myself both to women, and so has every woman I know, and I know many. When this happens to someone repeatedly, anger and hurt are predictable outcomes. Let it happen enough times, and chronic anger and hurt is the outcome.

REJECTION HURTS and the effects are cumulative, so it is not surprising that those among us who do not meet contemporary standards of attractiveness are angry, depressed, and sometimes dangerous men, since is almost always men who do the approaching, and women who do the rejecting.

I am simply waiting to begin hearing of female incels — with men’s growing anger at women and rejection of them, I think this is almost inevitable.

Do you agree that rejection has consequences?
61 Opinion