Why did only one man in my entire life seriously ask me out? And what even happened with him?

Story incoming…
Story incoming…

so this was back in high school…. I was a young gothic girl. This man would talk to me here and there and usually when our friends were around. I thought he was gay. So did they.

Then one day we were sitting alone chatting and he asked me out. Believe you me, it came outta nowhere! I thought he batted for the other team. I said yes. I don't know why.

We went on this date and he didn’t have much to say to me. Perhaps he was nervous.

days later I got wind at school that we had made out. Pure lies.

he also never really talked to me much since the date.

maybe weeks or months passed by and he asked me out again. This time I didn’t have trouble curving him.

looking back, I think he just asked me out because he was attracted to skinny tall girls, gothic girls, and/or maybe he just was gay and trying to cover it up.

but he was the only man to ever talk to me for more than, say, two conversations, and ask me on a date.

the several other times in my whole life that I’ve been asked in dates were by men who apparently were just throwing their hook out to any old girl to get lucky. Automatic rejection.

I may add, I’ve never been close to guys. Never had a guy friend. I was never a tomboy. Always liked girly things. So by that logic, only tomboys should be getting seriously asked out.

Why did only one man in my entire life seriously ask me out? And what even happened with him?
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