Was this guy too nervous or uninterested?

So my roommate’s bf’s best friend is super attractive and checks off a lot of my boxes personality & life desires wise. I very much want to pursue something with him, but I’m super nervous since I’m in my mid/late 20s & have only ever had 1 boyfriend (who I dated off & on for a few months at a time for a few years, v toxic), he’s 1.5 years younger than me & has only ever had 1 girlfriend (only dated her for a couple months), & we’re also in a friend group together. I have more hookup experience than him, but I don’t really have a lot of dating experience, especially not healthy dating experience. The few times I have dated in the past, I’ve been told that I’m too clingy or move too fast to be serious bc I’m very touchy when I like someone. My love language is physical touch & sex is how I express a lot of affection, & sex early on doesn’t mean I’m not trying to be serious, it means I’m interested in you. If I can’t express myself in that way, then we’re not compatible.

He invited me over to his place the other night to watch some tv, & I went over & we drank some wine. I was holding his hand, put my head on his shoulder, cuddled up next to him, etc. I was expecting him to make the next move if he was interested in doing so. I’m very nervous about making all the physical moves bc I’ve been told in the past that I’m too cuddly & too physical. Well, he has even less experience than me & I don’t think he really knows how or when to move it to the next level. Long story short, I ended up leaving the other night without so much as a kiss from him, despite me being very cuddly. He seemed receptive to me touching him and when I even asked if I was doing too much he told me no, he just didn’t make a move to move things forward.

Is he uninterested & just wanting the attention? Or does it seem like he’s nervous too?
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Was this guy too nervous or uninterested?
1 Opinion