Has the answer to your question ever decided the fate of your relationshipthey either unknowlinly like?

I see aloft of questions where people ask something that should he a no brainer, and you get pretty much all the guys and girls agreeing to end it with your partner. To anyone who has ever been in this particular pickle, did you listen to the common sense provided by the community and have your best interest, or sid you listen to your heart

And continue to let your problem fester

I think aloft of people deep down already know whats right and wrong, but too stubborn to take the high road because either they unknowingly like the problem, or too lazy to make the effort to change things for the better. Good things take work and pay off. It takes courage and sacrifice that a-lot of people don’t seem to have.
Has the answer to your question ever decided the fate of your relationshipthey either unknowlinly like?
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