Why did she do this to me?

I was so happy and surprised that the coworker who rejected me a few months ago, suddenly asked me out. I said ok but then she didn't confirm and didn't show up on the day, it turns out she hung out with her friends without confirming with me. I was so speechless but I didn't get mad at her.
So I reached out to her politely a few days later and told her that I was waiting for her to confirm and reach me out on the day. She said sorry she was tired and she tried to reschedule again. I left her on read. She texted me again one day later, she forgot that she got another plan, so she rescheduled again. I left her on read again. I was actually pissed off lol. Why did she ask me out in the first place if she always flake like this? Does she really plan to see me or not?
I can't trust her anymore, till finally I rejected her invitation when the time came, by flaking back on her. I replied to her "sorry I can't make it today, I need to go to my friend's place, we get some work to do. I thought you were about to flake on me again. Thanks for reaching out"
She replied to me with a smile emoji only.
However she seems distant now. Actually I wonder why she did this to me. She rarely posts on social media anymore now and stopped watching my stories after that happened. Is she mad at me because I rejected her? Anyway we don't talk anymore now.
Should I overthink this? Lol.
I thought I did the right thing. I had to reject her to set boundaries, because I think she was only playing games with me, she disrespected my time and maybe she only sees me as an option this whole time. Should I just leave her alone and move on now? Thank you.
Why did she do this to me?
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