Are men or women worse when it comes to giving advice and/or criticizing the other gender out of ignorance when it comes to dating?


Both genders are guilty of this. However we are (supposed) to get better at judging and/or giving advice as we get older and more experienced.

But I’ve had grown ass woman say some ridiculous things to me in the past. I feel like many of them take a common mental shortcut falsely believing that dating is same more men as it is for themselves (when all else equal). It’s not. Not at all. Not even close.

That’s not say I don’t know women have to deal with some common pitfalls. Many men will lie to women and tell want them just what they want to hear to get their foot in the door. They figure that once a woman catches feelings for them they will get a “pass” on their bs. Sadly this sometimes works if the guy is good at it. But not always. Also it never works out in the long run for guys. Plus it makes women more bitter and resentful to men in general after the process.

But anyway I feel most women who criticize men don’t put the mental effort into understanding the challenges most men face in the early steps of dating.

Most don’t understand how we are expected to take risks and stick our necks out. How we get shit tested. How we usually have to plan dates and usually spend money. How the odds are usually stacked against us. How we are supposed to keep calm and brush off (sometimes nasty) rejection and just move on quickly forgetting about it. How women falsely assume that men run into just as many opportunities as they do. Etc.

Women judge more out ignorance
Men judge more out ignorance
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Are men or women worse when it comes to giving advice and/or criticizing the other gender out of ignorance when it comes to dating?
21 Opinion