How to decide someone who isn't your "usual type"?


I met this guy and we've been talking/texting for a couple weeks. He is overall a really nice, sweet guy. I do have some concerns though. Aside from not being my "usual type", I did have some red flags pop up already and I'd like some opinions.

What "not my usual type" means -

This guy is a major redneck and his family are mostly rednecks as well. They drink A LOT and get drunk often. It isn't uncommon for each member to down, say, an entire bottle of wine on their own (at least a bottle each person). They have no limits and just keep going. Many of them are heavy smokers as well (I saw one go through almost 2 packs of cigarettes just sitting outside talking for like 4 hours one evening). I don't smoke or drink and never have/never will. This guy stopped smoking BUT he IS on the drinking bandwagon. We couldn't hang out once because he got super wasted the night before. This guy is also slightly "fluffy" and I usually don't ever date heavier set men. He is currently working on losing weight which I support and respect.

Red flags I've seen -

*Pushy about going on a date. I originally said NO dating at the moment. I wanted to become friends, get to know one another and see. I've been asked out like 5 times since we started texting.

*Introducing family members too soon. First time we ever hung out, a whole herd of friends and family "mysteriously showed up" and we all got introduced.

*Horrible texting behavior. He constantly wants to text. I mean if I don't answer right away, he's texting again. He will keep texting even when I say I am going to go to bed.

*Planning things far into the future. A week or even YEAR in advance. Already wanting me to meet his best redneck buddy who drinks all the time. He is clearly seeing me as a long-term investment already.

*Says he can "be a bit difficult/hard", but he'd never hurt me and doesn't want me to be afraid of him (I'm a DV/DA survivor and he knows that).

Any advice on how to decide whether I should date him?

How to decide someone who isn't your "usual type"?
2 Opinion