So basically women want men who have not had the covid 19 jab because they think the man's sperm will be contaminated.
- Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I see that some people are laughing at this idea and dismissing these women as idiots, but they don't have a clue about what the covid vaccines did to people. Pfizer tried to get their list of side effects sealed for 75 years! That list was around 80 pages long! The vaccines actually altered DNA, which is passed along to your future kids. Now people are getting blood clots that have never been seen before. The clots that doctors have pulled from from deceased people are really big, like long worms! Look that up. Perfectly healthy young people and young athletes are just falling dead. They even have a new term for this : "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". The actor, Jamie Foxx recently had a mystery illness and almost died. It was so strange how everyone was desperate to keep this out of the media. You know that if any celebrity had a serious medical problem, the media will absolutely find out. This is the only time in history where the media has been silent about it. We all know that he almost died from side effects to the vaccine. If you are rich and famous, you have a small chance to survive with the best doctors in the world. Personally, I don't want that contaminated sperm inside of me, or passed to my future child.
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
I won’t lie. I feel I might be one of those women. I’m not on dating apps nor would i say he HAS to be jab-free. But in my mind, I would prefer someone who did not get the shot. The dudes i was into this year who told me they had the shot, i lost interest in them pretty quickly and I don't know if it was intentional
50 Reply
2.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. The stuff in the jab changes cell structure to produce spike proteins. It can transfer to others through contact. It also collects in organs and especially ovaries and testes. It causes miscarriages, still births and infertility, as well as blood clots, organ and neurological damage.
Jab related deaths and serious injuries are denied even when they are obvious. We don't even know the long term effects yet.
The majority of the world's top scientists and experts warn against the jabs, but those who are profiting do everything possible to allow the public to hear only one narrative.
True bloods should stay away from lab-modified human 2.0 test subjects. It's the true bloods who will produce healthy children and carry on the human race. They will live longer, healthier, normal lives, too.00 Reply
- 1 y
It's their call... don't blame them,
not sure that is sound thinking, but whatever.
they can always go to a sperm bank from pre 2019... that's easy pickings...
But are their kids going to be stronger or weaker? Nature will sort it all out...
11 Reply- 1 y
I hear that pre covid sperm might be a good investment ha
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
That wouldn’t bother me, don’t care how “clean” He is… no more babies here lol 😆
17 Reply@bros26 got a tubal ligation long ago + menopause = no more babies for me (unless they grand babies 😁)
- 1 y
what does having birth control have to do with the shot for the virus?
- 1 y
@007kingifrit No clue you tell me
- 1 y
@007kingifrit sorry I thought your comment was a stand alone... didng' see it was on another comment... disregard
Contaminated sperm? Thought that meant women were worried men wouldn’t be able to give them babies if their sperm was contaminated 🤷♀️
- 1 y
I've never heard that before but i doubt the shot is going tod o that
16.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I'd be happy to knock them up
10 Reply- 1 y
Lol… That’s just funny.
10 Reply They are smarter than the average woman. I've seen studies showing not only integration of DNA into human cells, but into gut bacteria cells via plasmids... Those experimental covid shots will negatively impact human health probably forever... That said, as a result of the shots those plasmids will likely be spread to other bacteria in the environment/ground water (fecal coliforms) which will create a new super bug that will plague humankind. It will be hard too avoid. A certain amount will always end up in your drinking water/bathing water and on fresh produce. You'd have to really filter every drop of water, pressure cook everything you eat, and meticulously wash your hands every day to avoid it. At this point, probably the best option is to limit as much exposure as possible.
11 Reply- 1 y
I should also add, you'd have to be on well water... City water delivery pipes are coated internally with a biofilm of bacteria. While water that leaves the city water treatment plant will aim for zero coliforms, it will inevitably be contaminated as it is delivered through said pipes to consumers. This is why water is super chlorinated in cites to reduce that risk, but it's just a reduction. It's really hard to live "clean" as it were from this monstrosity that has been released on the world.
The covid vaccine did nothing either way. Covid itself was just a very bad flu, most of the peoplewho died of covid had severe health problems and more peopledie each year of the flu. It was just a way of making money and a giant social experiment. A test for the future.
10 Reply2.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Sounds like bots to push a narrative rather than genuine women, tbh. The people with a scam to push know where their marks are most likely to look.
33 Reply- 1 y
There not bots.
- 1 y
LOL you're mistaken it's simply not true.
- 1 y
Do you really want to get these type of women pregnant anyway? I'm not sure they can be trusted with kids.
60 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Dating topic. Good. I don't want to date an ignorant person that will likely have serious, possibly fatal health problems from getting the mRNA poison either.
Especially the stupid people that think getting the shot is "following the science" when it literally contradicts the scientific method.
30 Reply- 1 y
I have literally never heard a woman express that as a prerequisite. If that were so why has nobody ever asked my vaccination status?
22 Reply- 1 y
Most are women in their 30's and 40's who lean far right on the political spectrum.
- 1 y
So... who I am usually going out with... roger.
- 1 y
That is a matter for them. It sounds crazy but they can make their own choices. It doesn't make a difference physically but they will date people more in tune with their, er, beliefs.
20 Reply 746 opinions shared on Dating topic. I think its a great flag for someone, "Im a conspiracy nut, and you should avoid me..."
Lets encourage this kind of behavior
50 Reply- 1 y
People are literally dumb as shit.. so many dumb fucks sleeping with people that eat random ass on the daily but are worried about people who got the covid needle.. fucking hell.. LMAO
40 Reply - 1 y
hey, like vegans antixvaxers always need to let you know they are one, it's nice when red flags are clearly displayed XD
30 Reply 999 opinions shared on Dating topic. Not sure. Saw a video 1 or 2 years back when everyone was getting jabbed.
Apparently, they had a huge increase in still births in scotland.
There have alao been other instances of compilations attributed to the shot...
If thats their reasoning for only wanting to date unvaxxed men, ok.
10 Reply- 1 y
Lol, I love any time any anti-science bitch (gender neutral) advertises their love of spreading preventable illness.
Makes it easy to avoid their plague-rat-itis.33 Reply- 1 y
The vaccine doesn’t stop anything. They lied to us. Neither do masks, social distancing or lock downs. That is all 100% proven fact.
1 in 35 show signs of myocarditis from the vaccines. That is fact.
The virus came from the lab in Wuhan. Why else would the CIA bribe 6 of its experts to say it came from the wet market? That it came from the wet market is a lie.
Bill gates who is the second and 4th highest donor through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a subsidiary of his to the WHO made $50 million off vaccines, he is not a scientist but rather a college drop out. That is fact.
Ivermectin is human medicine used on horses. It is both an anti parasitic and anti viral. It is on the WHO’s list of essential medications and the CDC has now admitted it can be used to treat Covid. They lied to us about it being only a horse dewormer to sell vaccines.
The origins of the virus were a lie, then in order for big pharma to make its money on vaccines, they lied about an alternative treatment (Ivermectin) and made sure that they could never be sued for damage caused by the vaccine and don’t have to release the data for the manufacture of the vaccine for 75 years.
Who is it that’s anti science?
I don’t care about these stupid broads wanting unvaccinated men. That’s dumb, what I’m addressing is you throwing around the term anti science when you are clearly not informed on the facts.
Both me and my wife have been vaccinated. We both have had Covid at least once each since the vaccine. I know people who have had it three times plus after the vaccine.
It was all a scam. The term anti science was used to gain compliance and attempt to guilt and shame people into following directives.
- 1 y
@Exterminatore Cool beans, bruh, enjoy Polio.
- 1 y
I’m not talking about vaccines in general. I’m specifically speaking about the Covid vaccine. The polio vaccine is 100% effective. I think you know that I’m talking about specifically the Covid vaccine as nothing I mentioned is related to any other disease including polio.
So now I have to ask why are you attempting to act like I’m speaking about anything else other than Covid or the Covid vaccine?
I think that’s more a male ‘wishful thinking’… Yes, there is one female person here confirming she’s into that, but to most sane people it would be quite conspiracy theory-ish
30 Reply- 1 y
Whatever, lots of people have really weird stuff on their tinder profile.
even though it shows how uneducated and brainwashed they arr23 Reply- 1 y
i duno i had a lot of health complcations from the shot, its especially harmful to young men
Thats a different thing.
But believing the vaccine can be infecting others is just absurd. Especially after a year of getting the shot.I geuss thats their concern with the "sperm being contaminated"
- 1 y
I think that’s ridiculous and hilarious but idrc cause their dating preferences aren’t effecting me whatsoever 😂?
10 Reply 2.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. that they at least may have some intelligence in this area and mite be able to actually think for themselves.
20 Reply- 1 y
If women on dating apps want clean (jab free) men every guy on the app will lie because how the flock will they known?
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Just proves that the average person who uses a dating app has a ground breaking IQ of 60. Probably why tramps, sluts, etc (both male & female) and people looking for cheap easy sex are far far far more common on such apps than anyone even halfway decent.
10 Reply 5.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. To the extent that this is representative of a woman's politics, I want nothing to do with her. I found the people on the extreme right and left of the political spectrum are basically unreasonable.
20 Reply2.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. The word delusional comes to mind.
21 Reply- 1 y
They are not crazy! They are just unique!
11.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. They are very silly people, profoundly ignorant of science and liable to believe whatever conforms to their prejudices.
10 ReplyI'm anti-forced vaxx but there is zero science supporting the idea that vaccinated men produce babies with an healthy issues. Were you one of the morons planning on selling your sperm for $10 bajillion dollars an ounce during covid?
10 Reply- 1 y
They’re too stupid for me to date. Maybe if one were scorching hot, but it wouldn’t last long… 🤔😂
10 Reply 7.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. I know that it is a thing. There really is no basis in fact.
10 ReplyI think it stupid tbh with u. Because even If u didn't get jab u can still get sick.
20 Reply- 1 y
It's a simple way of identifying the ones who are detached from reality to some degree.
20 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Crazy antivax essential oils religious in a weird way type of nutjob 🚩🚩🚩
20 Reply - 1 y
I think it is. paranoia to the extreme. The covid vaccine is totally fine.
21 Reply- 1 y
Speak for yourself! I ended up with 2 extra arms! Lol!
- 1 y
Those chicks are dumb and i wouldn't want to date them either
10 Reply - 1 y
Everyone has their own preference. If that's what they want, so be it
15 Reply- 1 y
you don't want a man who has red blotches or pimples on his penis
- 1 y
I don't want any man
- 1 y
i'm just saying if your ever with a man and he has red blotches on his pens and/or pimples beware
- 1 y
That's good info for the women.
- 1 y
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. It´s her preference I don´t care. Like there are women that ask for jabbed guys and there are women that ask for jab free guys.
00 Reply- 1 y
They are entitled to their preferences, and I am not saying that just because I did not get jabbed.
10 Reply - 1 y
I wonder if those same women require those men to get tested for STDs.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
She's a anti vaxxer flake. That's a hard pass.
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 y just like everything else on a dating site...height, weight, age, occupation...this will not stop men (or women for that matter) from lying in order to go on a date/get laid.
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Eric (totally not being funded by Pfizer) Church
10 Reply 4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. (Shrugs)
Seems like you can ask and desire what you want. And tell anyone or lie whenever you want. So say you’re vaxxed or unvaxxed depending on who you date.00 Reply- 1 y
🤣 more power to them I guess.
30 Reply 10.4K opinions shared on Dating topic. MTG and Boebert don't interest me much so don't care.
10 Reply- 1 y
Good thing i never got any of the covid vaccinations 👍🏻
00 Reply 10.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Good for them lol don't really matter much
10 Reply- 1 y
How would you prove if he's been jabbed or not?
10 Reply to each there own lol
10 Reply- 1 y
What about men who have tattoos, LMAO
10 Reply - 1 y
Sorry ladies, I'm taken.
10 Reply - 1 y
Born to bad. Born to bad 🎶🎶🎶 🤣🤣
10 Reply 669 opinions shared on Dating topic. The only clean I care about is from hoes and drugs
10 Reply- 1 y
20 Reply 13.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Damn, move on already.
10 Reply760 opinions shared on Dating topic. I would avoid the crazy
10 Reply- 1 y
COVID vaccines are for morons
10 Reply - 1 y
Smart girls!
10 Reply 4.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Where are these women?
00 Reply4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. I don't have sperm in my semen.
00 Reply- 1 y
I agree
11 Reply- 1 y
Oh wait lol misread. No I don't care about the vaccine
- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
Can't say that I give a shit to be honest.
00 Reply - 1 y
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