Patient's moms boyfriend tried to get with me. Should I tell the mom about this?

My work week weird as fuck. My patients moms boyfriend tried to get with me and told me that he won't tell the patients mom. I told him cool story bro but I have a boyfriend (even thought i dont). Like wtf dude can't even speak English got a translator on his phone asking me questions and dude is living off the patients mom. I don't know why she just won't leave him. He's such a cheater. She keeps going back to him. I want to tell her but she has to leave on her own. He's cheated on her so many times and is a bum so I don't know why she puts up with him. I don't think me telling her would do any good so I'm just going to maintain my lie of "having a boyfriend" so he can fuck off. And his nails were ugly like yuck 🤮.
Patients moms boyfriend tried to get with me. Should I tell the mom about this?
Tell her
Don't tell her bc she knows he cheats but will never leave and blame you for it. Just maintain your boyfriend lie
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1 y
Those telling me to tell her , what good will that do? She likes toxic men
1 y
Now I've made him uncomfortable in his own space. I showed back to work, talked and laughed with the patients mom. He said hi i walked past the guy as if he didn't exist. He looks scared and nervous. Next I'm calling ice tuh 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️
Patient's moms boyfriend tried to get with me. Should I tell the mom about this?
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