Why does it seem vast majority of men are low quality nowadays?


You see situationships, men who sleep around, men who require you to "put out" by a certain date, guys who are "touchy" on first dated, men who never want to call you his wife even though you are doing all his work washing his underwear, cooking his lunchboxes, raising his kids, paying his bills, guys who go online dating looking for a relationship and complain they can't find a woman YET, they ghost, stand you up. Guys with amazing personalities but have no respect for a woman, 30 yr old guys who never want to settle down until their 60s. The rare good men with decent character usually lack personality.

The list just goes on... it makes me feel like I am forced to either stay single or settle for a low quality bad man.

Men today are a far cry from the gentlemen they used to be.

Why does it seem vast majority of men are low quality nowadays?
28 Opinion