No third date counteroffer, but will call and play Scrabble with me. Am I being friendzoned?

I met this guy on a dating app and went out a great second date with him. He didn't try to touch me until the moment we parted, he patted on my back. Two days later, I asked for a third date but he turned down saying he was busy and not counteroffering another day. Instead, he said he would play Scrabble with me everyday at 6 p. m. for ten minutes. Two days after we played Scrabble, he called me via WhatsApp and said we could chat while playing the game. And he's called me three times in a week.

Am I being friendzoned?🥲

By the way, this guy ONLY talks to me about Scrabble and how to memorize vocabulary. When I ask him on his hobbies, he will answer me or send me his picture doing the activities, but not initiating any topics other than memorizing vocab.🤯 This is so weird.
No third date counteroffer, but will call and play Scrabble with me. Am I being friendzoned?
1 Opinion