Trying to get first girlfriend before turning 30. What can I realistically do as an unattractive guy?

I am a social person, I go to game nights with coworkers and friends (men and women), I'm involved in several organizations in my community, I work out, have my own hobbies, have a decent job/education. I have a life like anyone else, but I can't exactly say I've been blessed with good genes. I've never been considered by women to be anything other than a friend. This is a bit personal, but I'm a bit tired of coming home to an empty condo the feeling of loneliness is depressing after many years.

I've set myself a goal to get a girlfriend by 30. I'm trying to mix things up. I go to a new gym, I've done the art/cooking lessons thing (this is very very expensive and unsustainable), jogs in the park, etc, but nothing seems to result in anything. Is there anything a less physically gifted guy with a more calm personality (as opposed to someone really funny and outgoing) can possibly do?
Trying to get first girlfriend before turning 30. What can I realistically do as an unattractive guy?
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