Is this a sign that he and I were never meant to take things further?


A guy that I liked and I met at work ended up quitting the job we met at. We liked each other so we started messaging on Facebook. He even started to plan dates. Buy tickets for us to go out etc We found out how mutual our liking/attraction toward one another was. He was excited to see me and I was excited to see him. All of this was mentioned through messenger, my only problem was that I preferred to text rather than keep using messenger because texting just is more personal and who wants to go on their first date and not have their dates number? I messaged him my number and told him we could text. His response was that he doesn’t want to text he wants to see me face to face, but we have been messaging for days already. We never really texted. I waited a few days and again mentioned that I would like to text, he still went around my proposal. So, I decided to give small reply’s to his messages which prompted him to ask was I upset and I told him no and that I was just annoyed. Which I believe he knew why and rather than work with me about texting me his reply, on messenger and not text, yet again, was “Do you want to talk about it?” And that made me feel he was really playing games so I didn’t reply to his message. I stood firm on me wanting to text rather than message. Since he saw I read the message and didn’t reply, his response was “I wish you well.” As if giving me a farewell because I didn’t respond and I replied back wishing him well also and we haven’t messaged in hours since I sent it. All because I wanted to feel more personally connected to him through text and not facebook messenger. If that’s all it took for him to step away rather than just text me, we weren’t for each other to begin with.

Is this a sign that he and I were never meant to take things further?
2 Opinion