We’ve been on 4 dates, we’ve had sex, she seems interested… but she takes 3-4 days to reply to text sometimes. Am I being too needy or is that not ok?


Says it all there really, but yeah we have such lovely dates and have both said so to eachother. We kiss, we hold hands, we laugh and giggle. When she does reply they are usually good replies continuing the convo. But god when it takes her days to reply I go a bit insane. I just want someone who tells me about their day and wants to chat to me. I want that affection. Am I being too needy? Should I say something to her? Any advice? -_-

We’ve been on 4 dates, we’ve had sex, she seems interested… but she takes 3-4 days to reply to text sometimes. Am I being too needy or is that not ok?
6 Opinion