3 mo

Girls, age 19-25: if you turn down a guy's request for a first date, what is the usual explanation?

"Why is this happening to me?" she thought.
"Why is this happening to me?" she thought.

I think what guys assume when they get rejected is quite different from what women think when rejecting a guy, so let's get it out in the open. If a guy asks you for a first date and you turn down the request, what is the reason most often? (If your answer is not one of the seven options below, please leave a comment and explain.)

I think we wouldn't have enough similar interests to sustain a relationship
He is too young or too old
He isn't tall enough
He isn't handsome
He's actually ugly
He doesn't have a car/doesn't have a cool car
He doesn't have a job/doesn't have enough money
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Girls, age 19-25: if you turn down a guy's request for a first date, what is the usual explanation?
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