2 mo

I’m only attracted to tall guys but, every girl what’s a tall guy so there’s a lot of competition. What are my options?


I like most girls love tall guys. I like them more than most though because I am 5’9”. They make me feel feminine and cute. Problem is like I said every girl likes tall so much so a lot are willing to shoot their shot at tall guys and go up and like really flirt. I’m not good with competition when it comes to guys and I’m not good at approaching at all.

I don’t know how to walk up and start a conversation or really flirt at all. If 3 girls already have their eye on a guy which is pretty common if he’s decently attractive and 5’10”+ I just don’t know how to even start to stand out or compete. Every time that’s ever happens to me in the past I’ve just given up. What are my options?

I’m only attracted to tall guys but, every girl what’s a tall guy so there’s a lot of competition. What are my options?
3 Opinion