28 d

If someone chose to do meth in the past, then quit are they likely to be a bad partner?


I have gone on a few dates with this guy and so far I really like his personality. He admitted to doing steroids in the past... I'm not a fan of drugs but the past is the past. Then he admitted that he used to do meth for a while then switched to smoking it. He quit almost a year and a half ago bc it made him feel bad. Would this make you not want to date someone? Should I stop seeing him? Are there long term side affects? It's explained some things about his personality that I thought were ADHD related. Also explain some skin issues he appears to have which he claimed were due to folliculitis. And explained why he looks about 10 years older than he is... I appreciate his honesty but this was a pretty big deal to me. Am I being judgmental?

If someone chose to do meth in the past, then quit are they likely to be a bad partner?
1 Opinion