21 d

What does 'settling' actually mean?


I've been thinking about this and would like to have other opinions. I don't necessarily believe there's a right or wrong answer but I think it would be nice to see if there's a certain trend.

In relationships, what does settling actually mean?

Is it purely a self perception? Ie: 'I feel like I settled, because they don't check all my boxes, so I did'?

Or is there an objectivity requirement? Ie: All previous potential partners with xyz traits didn't commit to you, therefore, you can't be considered settling for the one that did.

If there is such a thing as objectively settling (or not), how is it determined? By the amount of times you have failed to secure a person that checked all the boxes? By whether or not you find them at all? How much time should one be looking before the objective claim could be made that they are, in fact, punching above their weight class and if they end up with someone "lower", they would not actually be settling?

In my opinion it's like luck. You can feel unlucky, but there are also objective ways to determine if you are in fact unlucky. And I would say for the sake of the relation that one should stay grounded regarding feelings like settling. Not very healthy to be in a relation with someone that feel like they settled for you, especially when objectively (if there is such a thing) they did not.

What does 'settling' actually mean?
2 Opinion