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I had the talk with my roommate about hooking up after about a month, how do I feel I gain control again after we talked?


My roommate and I hooked up about a month ago, he’s in his 30s I’m in my 20s. It was one of the best sexual experiences I’ve had. He found me after an extremely terrible housing situation fell through and we were talking daily before I moved in. I was hoping he’d make a move after we hooked up, and I do not normally have sex so quickly, I also am really not used to being the pursuer and I put out feelers exactly 3 times in person and a couple of messages. I finally had a convo after he brought home a super nice girl, she and I spoke and I wasn’t jealous but instead of chatting outside of the apartment I just felt I needed to talk to him. he said the only reason he hasn’t initiated is because he’s worried it would ruin things and even though I’m subletting these 1-2 months he doesn’t want to make it bad. I suggested a 2 week trial period to see if it would work, but he’s concerned while I’m there of all the ways it might go wrong. Anyway I have come to terms this is his boundary, and also put it out there the balls in his court. But seeing him on his phone talk to other girls kills me, not because he’s doing it but because I’ve never had a guy do this before. It’s none of my business and I do believe him when he said he wasn’t expecting this either, he says he is really attracted to me too and the only reason we haven’t had sex since is because I’m his roommate. I wouldn’t make anything dramatic or anything. So anyway, I’m here for a month or 2 I actually really like him, I’ve asked him to hang out and he keeps saying “we have to play it by ear.” Anyway I just wanna be normal, I don’t want to have to think about this stuff, I don’t want to keep wanting him, I also don’t want to be creepy, because he said that what I asked was basically what all guys wish they could ask girls. I just want to know from a guys point of view what to do. I really like him but the balls really in his court, what can I do gain back control of the situation.

I had the talk with my roommate about hooking up after about a month, how do I feel I gain control again after we talked?
3 Opinion