13 d

Do girls really like tall guys as much as society says they do?


I'm tall (6'6"/199cm) and pretty lanky and I got a lot of attention from it from a few girls in highschool.

I'm not the type to approach women, and I probably can't take a hint, but my interactions with women has dropped to an all time low and I haven't noticed any girls being interested in me for years.

My friends keep saying that girls are probably still attracted to me and I probably just don't notice... because 'women will overlook a lot if a guy is tall'. The thing is, all of my friends are short, so I feel like there's a bit of bias to it. To me, it seems like girls do like tall guys, but not slim tall guys.

I may be wrong, but I just want to put that out there for girls and other tall guys to answer. (I say tall guys, because I want to hear from other similar guy's experiences.)

Do girls really like tall guys as much as society says they do?
2 Opinion