What should I do as a man with my issues with women?

I think I must be on the spectrum because after so many years of effort developing social skills, I am still broken in many ways and just can't be like other people.

But I must look decent or maybe it's because I'm over 6 foot, but whatever it is a lot of girls and women flirt with me. And I never ever flirt back. I stand there awkwardly with an awkward smile and it's like that's all I can do.

Some girls I have worked with flirted with me relentlessly for months. One girl flirted with me for a year before I ever did anything back. She pushed me and touched me and hugged me and "bullied" me and poked me and leaned on me and so much for so long and every time I was just awkward and weird.

But if say I do end up dating a girl, it's completely different. I have 100% confidence. I'm amazing in bed. As long as I KNOW for 100% sure that she wants my sexual energy, than I'm good. And rhe only way for me to know is for it to be official.

I am absolutely paralyzed and terrified to flirt. I fear above all else to project my sexuality onto any woman for any reason unless it's explicitly stated or we are dating.

I don't need to ask for sex. Once we are dating i can take us from holding hands to having sex. But like the official term "dating" has to be there otherwise I can never flirt or push for anything sexual at all.

It's just hard being a shy weirdo. Some women will be OK wirh it but most just give up on me. How should I approach dating given my circumstances?
What should I do as a man with my issues with women?
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