20 d

Am I being dramatic?

It’s my 21 b day tomorrow and I have been literally talking about it for three months now, being one of those annoying people who count it down every day haha. Anyway today I got off work after working three doubles in a row absolutely wrecked but my boyfriend wanted us to go to the gym together. I initially said not but changed my mind last minute bc I knew I wanted to and I didn’t just want to lay around the rest of the day. Anyways we get to the gym and we beach off and do our own stuff, me occasionally checking on him ( 2 times) we go to refill our bottles and he randomly looks at me and says « you are the dullest person here right now » me because apparently me being super worn out but still trying to push through doing legs looked like I was being a drag even tho we weren’t even working out together 😐 being absolutely crushed I go sit in my car and cry while he finishes his workout. After we got home he first tried to defend himself but after I got out of the shower and he saw me crying lol he apologized. I really let it get to me tbh and let it kinda ruin my night. So while he was playing a game around 8 with his brother I texted him and said I wanted him to come lay down with me before it got too late so we could watch a movie and go wake me up if I was asleep because I was absolutely wrecked from work but still wanted to spend time with him and I also wanted him to stay up with me til 12 like a little kid I guess. Anyways he comes in around 10:30 and just lays in bed complaining how he is so tired from work and doesn’t say a single thing after that. I asked him if was upset and he replied « yeah I’m kinda annoyed you keep acting like "play with me talk with me" then tried to say he loved me and falls asleep. I guess I just wanted to know if this is even worth being upset about or I’m being a little (big now) kid hehe

Silly not worth being upset
Yeah I would be livid as well
Meh would bother me a tad bit
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Am I being dramatic?
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