If a girl politely rejects you, why do some men get so upset over this. No one is obligated to date you JUST BECAUSE YOU ASKED. Even if that person was rude in their rejection, that should be a huge red flag that you should not want to be with them.
It's hard being rejected, yes, and I'm not saying it doesn't hurt. I'm saying, some guy literally called me a bitch once because he asked me out in a library, and I said I was flattered, but no, and I had a boyfriend which I did. I mean did he want me to cheat on my boyfriend or what? But it was so out of pocket, that I actually stood stunned for a few seconds. Like why get this mad. How else do you reject someone in a nice way?
1.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. Because they don't know how to be honest with themselves because the first thing that happens when a guy gets rejected is he's going to blame the girl it's always the girl's fault she's a b**** she's this she's that because he's not man enough to even understand rejection is a part of life it means nothing it means that you're not meant for that person in that moment of time
And if you didn't stand there and say hey Will is it the way I look is it the way I dress is it flat back teeth is it because I scratched my ass when I'm walking down the street what is it
A guy's not going to ask that question because he's afraid she'll tell him and then what's he going to do
I know what you're talking about I've seen men create so much drama because a girl didn't want to go out with him she had a boyfriend she didn't say that but I knew that and he wants to blame her and call her every name in the book and starts rumors about her because he's afraid his ego was bruised I think they're punk ass b****** myself
That's like a guy that gets in bed with a girl in last 2 minutes because that's all I can do
Well next thing you know he's spreading rumors that she's a bad layy she doesn't know how to f***. .
She's an experienced and no good
And that's what he'll tell everybody but what he doesn't understand is that he just told everybody how stupid he is and that he's the one that doesn't know how to f*** because he only lasted 2 minutes and if I'm in bed with a girl that is shy an experienced I'm going to take her to the Moon and back just because I want her to feel what I'm going to feel so it's sad when guys do any of that kind of crap
9 and 1/2 times out of 10 when I see a guy pointing a finger at a girl the odds are he's full of s*** and he's a big cry baby and he had his feelings hurt and he's afraid that the world was watching and they're going to judge him so he'll turn it all around and blame the poor girl and I think that's so uncalled for so long so immature and that's why people are that's why girls won't go out with them
I read something on here the other day should I just be mad and take girls because they've done this to me and they've done that and this and that and blah blah blah blah blah you just told everybody why girls don't go out with you because of what you just said what you do they're fools guys. Cartoon total fools sometimes20 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 10 d
Men get upset over rejection for the same reasons women do. It’s how they may ‘react’ that will likely differ , generally and majoritively speaking.
Much research and analysis has gone in to this subject due to the high profile nature of cases of crimes against women. It’s common knowledge that men have committed serious crimes against women where the stressor has related to being rejected but these men are in the massive minority and do not reflect the typical man. They are in short mentally unstable.
In terms of reaction , my understanding is that women generally will be disappointed, sad and perhaps embarrassed with a small percentage maybe even becoming a little hostile. Typically men can react the same but are more likely to become anxious , socially withdrawn and even aggressive. It’s also been suggested that women because of the attention that they can get from their peers may often manipulate this perception of the man as the aggressor for their own purposes , twisting the optics and and communication to suit they’re own narrative to gain a false sympathy or just attention.
While the research may show that men can react aggressively , this doesn't mean that every man will react with aggression or majority or even a weighty portion will. it just means that relative to women men are more likely to become aggressive than women. Women can also become agressive , it’s just less likely.
Furthermore the hostility displayed by women whilst not comparable to the aggression that can be shown by men is still very negative but men will ALWAYS be SEEN as the aggressor even if it isn't true … this is gender bias which men are forced to just accept because men are generally physically stronger and more often the aggressor even.. based on crimes committed.
To answer what remains of your question. I have no idea why some men will become so aggressive when rejected, I’m not qualified behavioral psychiatry BUT I would hazard a guess that they associate rejection with their masculinity and given that men are taught socially to defend and protect their masculinity they may then react aggressively if they feel their masculinity is being attacked , threatened or called into question. Men never asked for this , nature made us this way as the hunter gatherer ,,, the same type of guy that females claim to desire to make them feel safe !!
This doesn’t make it right and I’m NOT DEFENDING the actions of a man reacting negatively to rejection , just offering an observation based on my understanding.
I hope that helps !00 Reply
- 11 d
well put simply they wouldn't get upset or lash out at a potential employer for not hiring them, so they shouldn't get upset when they get rejected by someone for dating, getting a partner is like getting a job, all you can do is put your best foot forward, try your best and hope for the best, and accept whatever result you get, whether it's a yes or a no, the only thing you can do is put effort into it, you can't force them to say yes, you have to deal with whatever answer you get in a calm, respectful and mature manner if you hope to ever have any future success with it
03 Reply- 11 d
@NatalieKeller95 great response!
- 10 d
@NatalieKeller95 Excellent point, and like a job women are just a numbers game, the more interviews you go on the better you get.
- 11 d
There's no nice way. As polite as you were, you didn't give him WHAT HE WANTED. And his nasty response showed you what kind of ass HE was, as you so succinctly realized.
This is still a world where men are dominant, and it doesn't matter what a woman wants, it's ALL ABOUT WHAT HE WANTS. And some men expect a woman to yes them, or are so angry about NOT getting a yes, they demonize the woman.
Do what's best for you despite these disadvantages. There are more decent men than there are idiots like that one. Choose carefully and you'll get what YOU want.00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. I love the way women pretend that men fall apart so badly from rejection, when women handle rejection worse than men do. To the point of demonizing the guy or even twisting the story to their friends and family to make him look bad, or by trying to come up with reasons for why he rejected you other than what they really are, such as saying a guy wasn't into you because he was "intimidated" by you. Never actually about you and your character, right?
I also like these posts women make that are actually supposed to be a sideways form of bragging that a guy was into you and you can use it as material to talk about how you also got to reject him, just to let the world know guys want to date you. Women love talking about any attention they get, even if it's from guys they're not attracted to.
1054 Reply- 12 d
men have killed thousands of women bc they got rejected.. r u fucking serious? attention seeker.
- 12 d
@chocolatetwopointo @chocolatetwopointo But most men have not killed women over rejection.. Why is it you young kids with these over the head views..
- 12 d
yet more men have killed for being rejected than women.. google junko furuta.
- 11 d
@Joshydavid25 Exactly. The vast majority of men do not and have not killed women just for being rejected.
- 11 d
@chocolatetwopointo Women don't have to kill in order to handle rejection poorly. The examples I put in my answer are actually much more common than a guy killing a woman. Why? Because women like being adversarial and vindictive, and they can do that whenever they feel like it.
- 11 d
lmao god ur so naive its crazy. u really think women can do wtv they want without concequences? basic man mindset,
- 11 d
ofc not the majority, but it still happens way more than it should.
- 11 d
@chocolatetwopointo You're 16, you still have a looooooooot of experience to gain.
- 11 d
ok so i should reject men and risk my life? what a great experience!
- 11 d
@chocolatetwopointo You need to gain a lot of experience about your OWN gender.
- 11 d
like what?
- 11 d
@chocolatetwopointo You need to understand that your own gender tells lies about men and sexual misconduct just to get people to agree with her. And you need to understand that your own gender tries to twist stories in general or make things look a certain way while they leave out details so that they can appear to be the good ones.
- 11 d
oh god🤦♀️ yk its not all women, but so do men lol. ok so women r literal witches and men r angels? got it. basic man.
- 11 d
@chocolatetwopointo Y'all parents aren't raising you correctly...
All most women are hoes... If you disagree with that... Then you are not intellectually honest...
Hence why young kids like you shouldn't have a say in anything... - 11 d
lmao and ur source is? wow u met one whore and now every woman is one. ok so then i can say most men are man whores? got it. totally makes sense if u ask me.
- 10 d
Get the ratio of the number of men that do the asking compared to the number of women that do the asking. I really would like to see what the percentage of men asked out would be to women asked out. Something like. ooooo5%. - 10 d
and…? whats ur point? most men literally refuse to accept a woman asking them out or paying for them bc it hurts their masculinity💀
- 10 d
and neither have u so how can i be wrong and u be right? u dont equal 4 billion men do you?
- 10 d
@chocolatetwopointo You should leave this chat while you still can, kid.
lmao got proved wrong?
- 9 d
@chocolatetwopointo We are grown men with experience. You didn't prove any of us wrong, you proved yourself wrong.
ok so u have met 4 billion men? hard to believe.
- 9 d
@chocolatetwopointo This is a child's mindset...
Most women are whores... Some are just better at hiding it...
A man being a whore is a good thing... It shows his value... If you are saying a most men are whores... You just complimented most men then...
If a girl says they aren't valuable... that implies girls want a loser...
But a woman/girl being a whore is disgusting... it shows how used up she is... ewww - 9 d
@chocolatetwopointo and I can use YOUR SAME ARGUMENT AGAINST YOU
ok so then i can say most men are man whores? got it. totally makes sense if u ask me - chocolatetwopointo
Me: ok so u have met 4 billion men? hard to believe - chocolatetwopointo
You see? A child's mindset... LMAO okay so what makes u think most women are whores? and whats ur source?
R U KIDDING ME? how come men can sleep with whoever they want and even get her pregnant, and isn't a whore, but when a woman sleeps with one guy, she's a whore smh? how does that work? how is it a compliment?
there's no way ur not a bot💀
tell me, why can men be whores and women can't?
ok use the argument against me then idc?
okay so its not childish to say women are whores but when a guy actually is a whore, its okay? make it fucking make sense u retarded whore.- 7 d
@chocolatetwopointo I did made it make sense.
Women whores are used up... Ever smelled fish before... That's what stank pussy smells like... Cus you are the one getting used up... Being fucked... It's disgusting... Nobody glorifies a female whore cus you are left with multiple semens of a bunch of different guys...
Men whores can have sex with 100 of women... Commendable... Cus he can access any lock...
Women are like locks... a lock that can be open with any key is a shitty lock...
Men are like keys... A key that can open any lock is a master key...
It's easy for you to have sex... That's why you are disgusting if you have sex with dozens and dozens of men...
And most women are whores... A lot of them are just good at hiding it than others... LMAO if her pussy smells its prob something medical or natural. ok so men should js be able to do what they want? and whos gna have sex with the men if women aren't allowed to have sex now? tell me, wheres ur source for ”most women r whores” ill wait. ik loads of women and I've never met one. I've never had sex and i never will have bc im ugly asf, and men have it js as easy to have sex by the way, ur js proving men r desperate whores rn. god u men have it easy
- 7 d
@chocolatetwopointo Medical or natural?
I'm not talking about that... I'm talking about real stank pussy... Not some medical condition... Stank pussy caused by getting fucked too many times...
You seem to act like it doesn't exist... child's mindset...
And women not allowed to have sex? Again... a child's mindset... I never said women shouldn't be allowed to have sex...
"Know loads of women and haven't met one whore"? It's either you are just bullface lying to me or lying to yourself...
Cus you are 16... You don't "know" loads of "women"... Maybe girls but not women...
And second... That's like saying "oh world hunger don't exist... All my friends eat all the time..."
That's a child mindset...
Should I believe murder don't exist since my friends haven't been murdered?
And if you think guys have it easy in the world of dating... you obviously have not dated and chances are actually ugly...
And if you never could have sex... That's your fault cus women only need to look good to be able to have sex... Men got to do endless other things besides looking good.
could be either.
and wheres ur source?
im not gna believe it exists until u show me proof of it since I've never heard of it.
ok so whats the maximal of times women should have sex? and let me ask u, does it smell bc of different dicks or js having too much sex with the same person?
nope im not lying, u have no proof that most women r whores so u have no right to say it, and ik loads of women, and stop with the ”…” u sound insecure.
once again, prove it.
ok so its a child mindset to believe women aren't whores? BFFR.
I've never dated, which also proves my point that all women dont date or have it easy in dating.
ill never have sex bc there's a chance ill get pregnant and men r absolutely disgusting. nope desperate women fuck anything.
now, I've asked u 5 times now for a source, if there's not a link or any such in ur next reply ur obviously lying and making this up, and the discussion is over, ur choice.- 6 d
Could be either? I'm talking about stank pussy caused by getting fucked a lot...
I'm not talking about medical or natural... But you thinking for some reason Im talking about "either"... Child mindset...
And the source is common sense... Child mindset... You need source for the sky to be blue too? You believe everything on the Internet simply because it says "source"? Child mindset... Even if I showed you something that repeats what I'm saying aka "source".. you'll still choose not to believe it... Cus you're 16... You are naturally intellectual dishonesty.. ..
And Truth be told... You are lying... You're 16 .. you don't know anything... Let alone believing everything on the Internet...
You saying you'll "never have sex" is the most childish thing I ever heard... You are 16... you haven't experienced the world at all... you are going to have sex at some point in your life... mark my words...
Unless you are Soo ugly that boy's get repulsed by you and they'll never made a move on you... cus I don't believe you think Men are disgusting unless you are those fat and ugly girls who can't handle rejection..
and show me ur sources for that statment, not that hard.
if its common sense, give me a believable link. nope ill never have sex, if i get pregnant ill kms. i won't. i am that ugly so guys def dont like me.- 5 d
h ttps://www. elephantjournal. com/2018/03/the-average-woman-is-a-prostitute/
h ttps://link. springer. com/chapter/10.1057/9780230107939_10
That's two already... Since you need the Internet to learn... Like a child's mindset
Now that you see them... And now you will try and find every excuse in the book to try and "not believe it"... Essential proving me right...
I want sources, it's not that hard. - 🤪 you
*Shows actual sources
These aren't sources - 🤪 you
You'll kill yourself? How childish is that...
- 5 d
Erase the spaces in the the link... since my account can't post hyperlinks.
Now that I said that... Don't use "I can't access it, it's not a source" as an excuse... the first one is js a woman talking ab her own experience, so its not valid. she doesn't have any statstics or proof that women r prostitues js her personal opinion and choices.
LMAO and the second link is ab a book and its author💀 still no statistics or proof. do smth better.
LMAO why do u keep calling it childs mindset? AND STOP WITH THE FUCKING ”…” u look fucking stupid man.
bc those aren't believable sources, u need solid proof for making such accusation, one was ab a woman talking ab being a whore and thinking every woman is like her, and the second is ab a BOOK.
bc they aren't. personal opinions or a book isn't valid sources, u should know that if u ever went to school. LMAO why do u keep calling EVERYTHING childish? do u even know what it means?
im not as retarded as u so i actually know how the internet works thanks.- 5 d
@chocolatetwopointo You see? I just predicted it... 😎 Child's mindset...
You asked for sources and you just did EXACTLY what I said you'll do..
You ask for sources and then "not believe them"... Remember this?:
I want sources, it's not that hard. - you
*Shows actual sources
These aren't sources - you 🤪
And you said "These aren't believable sources"... - 🤪
Child's mindset... You just proved everything I said correct...
"That's one woman's account"- you 🤪
That's a source nonetheless... "Child mindset."
You are asking for statistics...
If I gVe you the statistics...
You are just gonna be like : "I don't believe these are real"- 🤪 these are fake statistics...
Child's mindset... Want proof then don't want to believe it when presented it
ok so when ur wrong i have a childs mindset? totally makes sense. bffr.
bc thats not sources, those are OPINIONS. i wanr facts not ur opinion. bc there was no statistics js personal opinions.- 5 d
@chocolatetwopointo You are calling sources that you don't like "opinions"... Child's Mindset...
If I show you "statistical facts"... You just are going to label them as "opinions" and not sources...
What don't you understand about this? I made it clear... So why are you asking for more "sources" If you are just gonna label them as opinions? no u couldnt tell me a single fact based scentances in any of those articles.
ok show and we’ll see if they’re going to be opinions or not, ill wait.
BC THOSE ARE NOT SOURCES. if they include a personal opinion they are opinions if they use the word ”i” meaning themselves, its not valid.literally everyone knows this.
- 5 d
Not "no", yes. Are you just not following? You are calling sources you don't want to accept "opinions"... Now you are calling them "not facts"... If I show you "statistics" you'll just simply choose to "not accept them"... I called you out for not believing the sources I just sent you before hand...
I can almost read you like book... .
Saying the word "I" doesn't automatically means "opinion"... Aren't you supposed to be in school? Now you are just making things up... To further fit your forced deluded narrative...
What don't you understand about this?
"Literally everyone knows this"
said the child who also made an argument that it's hard to believe that one person can meet billions of people...
Contradiction everywhere... Child's mindset BC THEY ARE OPINIONS. they’re saying ”me” ”i think”. means its not a reliable source and its an opinion, r u fucking retarded?
like are u seriously retarded?
- 5 d
First you assert that "I" means opinion for some reason... Now you are saying words like "I think", "I" automatically means it's "not a reliable source"...
Again... Just because they're saying "me" "I think"... Doesn't automatically make it "not a reliable source"...
You are being intellectually dishonest...
Studies are conducted by a collection of opinions... It's funny how a 16 year old is trying to tell me what a source is but don't know sources can have words like "I" or "I think"... It's like you are cherry picking words and using it as a reason to dismiss an entire source...
What's next, math without written numbers is "not math"?
This is just a childs mindset... You don't know what you don't know...
Proving my point over and over again... 😎
But continue... - 5 d
@chocolatetwopointo and me saying
"Studies are conducted by a collection of opinions"
That actually is a true statement... I'm just entertaining something you don't understand yet about opinions...
bc. as i said. its an opinion. this convo is done i dont talk to retards.
but its not, since its an opinion. thats a fact, not my opinion.
im not wrong tho, u said a source is an opinion💀
and why tf do u keep responding? I've blocked and hid u away wtf is this app
- 4 d
@chocolatetwopointo do you know what "convo is over mean"?
Cus you are still replying to me... Despite you blocked me... When you block me I can't read anything you are saying...
It just shows a bubble that says "Reply by a user you blocked or were blocked by"
God these dumb kids these days... smh
2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Why make it about men hating rejection? Women also aren't fans of being rejected as far as I know. It's more about people who are naturally willing to walk away from a mess (which is considered stoic) versus people who are willing to generate the mess over and over again (which is considered crazy and toxic behavior).
32 Reply- 10 d
Even fugly women rarely get rejected;even handsome men get told,"Get lost, boy!!!"
- 9 d
Welcome back!!! 😁
- 10 d
I think everyone would get disappointed and upset after being rejected. Feeling entitled to date someone is a whole other story.
You can be disappointed or upset and still handle it maturely and move on.
But someone who cannot take no for an answer is definitely immature and toxic. They're not worth your time, so don't give it to them.
Always be kind to everyone until they prove they do not deserve your kindness.10 Reply - 11 d
Haha, yeah, it’s a weird dynamic. I think some guys are perpetually frustrated, because the girl rejecting us is probably not the first one, even that day, lmao. I always say, we men “die a thousand deaths” out in the field😂
Obviously, being rude in response is psycho shit, and may come with some weird ideas about the dating dynamics between men and women. I actually have a theory, that nowadays, as opposed to “the old days”, women aren’t obligated to find a man to marry to take care of them, they’re self-sufficient, if they desire to be. And I think that was a HUGE crutch to men, particularly ones who aren’t natural ladies’ men. Like someone would HAVE TO settle for you, or face being seen as an old spinster in society, and struggling to make money in a male-dominated world.
But now that’s gone, and I think the “bottom 80%” of guys who think they’re not part of the alleged 20% of men pulling 80% of the available women, as told to them in the “manosphere”, are just frustrated and self-defeated in their own minds that they won’t just happen onto some ultimately desperate woman in need of a husband. Like this is a big part of the desire for a return of “trad wives” that we see some men have. If a woman doesn’t NEED them, they feel they might not be able to get one on their own merit. And they’re also probably only shooting for the supposedly Top 20% of women, and are blind to other women who aren’t remarkably attractive. Also probably fair to say that men haven’t caught up to women in effort towards desirability. Dudes wondering why they’re striking out in mesh basketball shorts from CostCo and a neck-beard🤦♂️😂
So, all that said, I think some men feel entitled to women, and while I’m sure there’s a healthy aspect where they just want to love and be loved, there’s also shit they need to work on in terms of expectations and relationship dynamics. And then some folks are just assholes, lmao. Plus, it seems like these days people are either totally down on themselves or totally full of themselves, and if you bump into the latter, they expect things to always go their way, and freak out when they don’t.
But bottom line, any guy who can’t take a rejection in stride and politely excuse himself and keep it moving, as long as it was a polite rejection, is probably not anyone you’re missing the boat on anyway, haha. It’s basically a childish tantrum because they can’t have what they want.
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)12 d
Of course no one is obligated to date anyone. But more often then not men get more upset at the way women reject men (often disrespectfully) vs. the simple matter of fact their not interested.
Here is the respectful way to reject a guy:
”Hey so and so. I think your a decent guy and I enjoyed chatting with you. But I want to be respectfully honest. Truth is I am just not interested. I think you are a good guy and you did nothing wrong. I respect you for (whatever efforts he made). But I have to be honest about where I stand”.
The WRONG way to reject a guy:
- ghosting him
- asking if we can “just be friends”
- playing dumb
- asking him for advice about dating other men and/or complaining about them to “drop a hint” (this is extremely insulting by the way).
- rejecting him and then lecturing him on dating advice
- reject him after mooching off (more then one) free meals and/or favors. Not saying a guy is entitled to get in your pants after one (expensive date). But if you take multiple handouts from him and later change your mind then you are a freeloading POS.
- telling him “oh some other girl will like you”. Seriously never f’ing do that
80-90% of the times I’ve had women reject me above is how they did it. Very rarely have I had a woman put the mental effort into respecting me when I got rejected.
The problem is too many women confuse likeability with respect. They think it’s the same thing and it’s not. It’s very hard for women to put in the mental effort into respecting a man their not interested in. And their are evolutionary reasons for this (another topic).
And for the record this what I have dealt when I have rejected women:
- been accused of being “gay”
- had an ex girlfriend attempt suicide when I broke up with her
- worst incident is one woman gave me a veiled threat of a “accusation” because I turned her down. That was both insane double standard bullsh*t and very scary at the same time. Yes I really had that happen one time.
112 Reply- 12 d
Here is the respectful way to reject a guy:
”Hey so and so. I think your a decent guy and I enjoyed chatting with you. But I want to be respectfully honest. Truth is I am just not interested. I think you are a good guy and you did nothing wrong. I respect you for (whatever efforts he made). But I have to be honest about where I stand”.
What is this complete overkill demand lol: good guy, decent guy, did nothing wrong, respect you blablablabla. You're demanding to be reassured, comforted and flattered as if you were a kid in distress.
Respect is about politely declining, that is a proportionate response, in the context of asking out. - Opinion Owner11 d
@Maybe_Maybe_not I am talking situations were a man has put in some real effort to date a woman and then she decided to reject him after being on the fence for some time.
Now if he just walked up to her and asked her out then of course that response would be overkill. - 11 d
No matter the efforts made, dating someone is not a job leading to a reward or any compensation of any psychological nature. This can't be transactional, that would be sick. This is one person wanting something while the other one doesn't want. Politeness is the only thing she owes a guy, certainly not to comfort him and thank him for his efforts, he is an adult.
- 11 d
"The problem is too many women confuse likeability with respect. They think it’s the same thing and it’s not."
This is gold^ And it also applies to young women to a very great degree. They think they should only respect a guy if they like him. If they don't like him or don't find him attractive, they don't think they should respect him. - Opinion Owner11 d
@Maybe_Maybe_not “ Politeness is the only thing she owes a guy”.
Yes that’s it. I don’t expect women to follow my above response example verbatim.
But the problem most men have (and you should know this) is an issue of RESPECT not f*cking entitlement for sex and romance. Some men have that problem but not all.
It comes door to HOW a woman does the rejection thats the issue. And if they don’t find a guy likeable they more often then not let their emotions take over and self justify disrespecting him (regardless if he did anything wrong).
I don’t know your experience with being rejected but for me 4 out of 5 times it was very disrespectful. Every negative example I listed above was done to me in the past by women. I can only remember a small minority of women who actually showed me respect when they turned me down. - Opinion Owner11 d
@ManOnFire there are evolutionary reasons for that unfortunately. There was a time in history where a woman had to be highly discriminatory and selfish when it same mate selection. And for good reason: their entire livelihoods where highly dependent on finding the right man. They depended on men to provide and protect them. So if they saw no value in a interested man then their natural response was to send a clear & nasty message to get the f*ck away from them. Fight or flight response.
This is regardless if the man was a real threat or not. They couldn’t risk dealing with a man who might be dangerous back then (because they had far less societal protection).
But it still doesn’t give women any excuse whatsoever to disrespect polite yet unattractive men who approach them in modern day. But the problem is it takes them mental effort to control that “fight or flight” response. And too many of them take mental short cuts (and modern feminism f*cking encourages it). - 10 d
My experience is much different than yours regarding rejection, the only one disrespectful rejection I've seen was at 11yo. After that, it has been a quiet river, with girls and, later, women. It's not as if I had to face many rejections anyway, the way I'm getting to know a woman protects me from being rejected.
In my circles, I don't hear about the disrespect you're facing either, my buddies and friends do not report that. So the kind of experience you have sounds alien to me, it's not that I don't believe yours, it's just that I've never heard about it and I'm not that young, so there's that - Opinion Owner10 d
@Maybe_Maybe_not which country are you from?
- 10 d
- Opinion Owner10 d
@Maybe_Maybe_not alright that might explain some cultural differences given I am used to dealing with American women. I saw noticeable differences in how European women interact with men vs how American women do.
I’m not exaggerating about the incidents I brought up. I guess I can blame myself for being naive when dealing with the wrong kind of women. But still it’s happened more often then it should. - 9 d
The wrong kind of women, it's an important factor, because if I wished for it, I could find women who would throw me under the bus for no reason lol. But as I said, I'm quite cautious about who I engage with, romantically, as I'm only interested in very few women in any group considered
- Opinion Owner9 d
@Maybe_Maybe_not that’s a smart way to go about it. I was very naive when I was younger. But I had other setbacks that made it tough. I grew up in a family where my mother always get her way with my dad. Horrible female role model. When I was younger to know the difference between a woman just being a woman (being difficult) vs her just having no respect for me. This lead to my chivalry being exploited.
But that’s admittedly more personal. That’s something I had to work on. However I do still stand by what I said earlier that women need understand the difference between likeability and RESPECT.
They really struggle with this. They have a harder time controlling their emotions. It also leads to them taking more sh*t from men then they should (when they really like the guy).
Some of them get it when they get older but others are perpetually like this and it’s due to mental laziness. I’ve had grown ass women in their 30s rudely reject me.
- 10 d
This is a thing... I've seen it where the guy will be like "Fuck you then, you're too ugly anyway" and that's literally word for word from what I watched IRL. It's why I don't get mad when a woman's programmed response isn't to reject politely.
I get hit on by trans and fat chicks, and I'm not going to even try to be polite with my rejection... because can you guess what happens if I'm not mean as fuck? They're powered by ideologies like trans women are women and fat acceptance. Fuck their ideologies, they're gay and fat. They don't really get pissed off because they expected that.
So what are you doing wrong? You're trying to be nice. Basically doing some shit like "I'd really like to but..."
Memorize this phrase..."I'm not interested at all" and then when asked why, "I don't owe you a fucking explanation, so fuck off."
They're out of pocket and awkward right? You didn't asked to be put in this position right? So fuck them for doing that! They can go eat shit and die. Basically you're in the right to be mean as fuck because they're already not respecting you... basically treating you like someone that was waving and smiling at them. They hate you... they're being a salesman and just want to close a deal... did I mention they hate you? They also do not even have enough respect to just leave you alone. ... and we know how they'll react if you try to be polite now don't we, so you can't tell me I'm wrong.00 Reply 1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. " It's hard being rejected, yes, and I'm not saying it doesn't hurt. I'm saying, some guy literally called me a bitch once because he asked me out in a library, and I said I was flattered, but no, and I had a boyfriend which I did. I mean did he want me to cheat on my boyfriend or what? But it was so out of pocket, that I actually stood stunned for a few seconds. Like why get this mad. How else do you reject someone in a nice way?"
I agree , that the example you give here is way out of line , and completely unreasonable , but I may have had a different answer if I did not read the full text , he should have answered playfully , with something like " So what would it take? " or..
" Well , you can hardly blame me for trying with such an exceedingly attractive , intelligent young lady " ..
" Well , I'm sorry to hear that , but I'm sure you can understand why I asked - you are outstanding , if ever he doesn't appreciate you " -------
00 Reply- 11 d
Oh, so one dude in the library calls you a name, and now every man alive is on trial like they’re part of some “Can’t Handle Rejection” club? That’s like blaming every drive-thru ‘cause one McDonald’s worker forgot your fries.
Bruh, men been getting curved since the dawn of time—bet some caveman got a "nah" on his cave art too. But yeah, let’s take one salty dude and act like that’s the blueprint for all men struggling with rejection.
By that logic, should dudes assume every chick goes full drama mode when they get curved? Like, crying in the group chat and posting “men are trash” essays on Facebook? Oh wait... never mind THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ALL DO. 😂
Maybe it’s not about men being bad at rejection. Maybe people just need to chill and stop projecting one bad vibe onto everybody else. Just keeping it real.
35 Reply- 11 d
She's literally just glad that she can talk about being able to reject some dude. It probably gives her an ego boost, especially if she got asked out WHILE she has a boyfriend. That's double the attraction, and that's what she wants us all to know. "Ooh ooh, there's a guy who asked me out but I wasn't interested AND I have a boyfriend! I can tell everyone about it while making it look like it bothered me so badly!"
- 11 d
@ManOnFire exactly!
next thing you know she's probably improvising her own script. the dude most likely did not called her a bitch, he probably said "fuck this shit" and kept moving when she told him she already has a boyfriend. you know how women have this misconception that we men like taken women as much as they like taken men. - 11 d
@Filthy_Immigrant Women ALWAYS think we're doing the same things they do, like sending signals. Guys don't do that! That's why they're always asking stupid stuff like "What does it mean when a guy says/does?" like they think we're trying to be unclear like they do. Men are upfront.
- 10 d
@ManOnFire 😂😂😂
- 8 d
It's ego. Not sure if you've ever asked someone out and been rejected, but it's not fun. It's not like they're rejecting your girl scout cookies, or that petition you want them to sign, they're rejecting YOU as a person. Some guys struggle with that. That's no excuse for them to be rude or unkind. I'm sure it's some childish logic like you made me feel bad so I'm going to try to make you feel bad or something.
I will say that many women would benefit from seeing things from a guy's perspective more:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ip7kP_dd6LU01 Reply- 8 d
I tried to link to the time starting at 9:23, but I guess the site doesn't allow you to link to a particular timestamp. That's the part of the documentary where Norah goes into what picking up women is like.
- 10 d
Wow yes that guy who asked you out in the library sure did get inappropriately upset! But like you say, there really shouldn't be anything to get so upset. Especially if someone is mean, because if they are mean, that is someone who you wouldn't want to be with anyway. I remember there was someone who caught my attention at a wine tasting, and I talked to her for a few minutes. Not even close to anything like asking her out. I asked her what kind of work she did and she said, "I'm not going to tell you"... Geeschh like what is this lady's problem. I talked to her for a couple more minutes and then walked away. I'd seen her at the same event a few more times and she was full of red flags.
00 Reply - 10 d
That is super extreme that guy called you a bitch, dude probably has some issues. Rejection sucks especially if you really care for that person and actually know them because when your interested in someone and want to know more about them it’s like closing a door to that curiosity and want to be with them. Some guys will ask out any girl with a heartbeat and maybe it doesn’t matter as much to them but in my case I’ve only asked out girls i know first and those rejections hurt the worst because I wanted to know everything about them and be their person and they just didn’t feel the same, does hurt because they didn’t want to know me like I wanted to know them.
00 Reply 4K opinions shared on Dating topic. It's very simple to explain.
Suppose someone said to you "You lose. You are a loser.", how would that make you feel? Like shit, of course.
When someone rejects you, in essence, that someone is saying to you "You lose. You are a loser." in the competition to win that someone.
Men don't like losing and, when they do lose, the first thing they want to do is compete again and, if they can't, they might make excuses as to why they have lost which all boil down to a sense of unfairness and anger. This is partly so because they can't handle the possible truth that they lost because they ARE losers - inferior and could not possibly win.
00 ReplyTheir just asshole men just like how woman who reject men in a humiliating or mean way on purpose are asshole woman. It's a two-sided coin. Sometimes men are bastards when they get rejected and sometimes woman act like bitches when a guy took a chance, and shit all over him for no reason. I would know.
I've never seen a man lose his crap in public like that over getting rejected politely but I'm sure it does happen. I've definitely lived through needlessly harsh rejections though. Like a lot of them.00 Reply- 12 d
No one is obligated to date anyone, so why do men get upset over rejection?
Exactly, though this isn’t a male only issue this is a human issue. No one wants rejection and just won’t take no for an answer in extreme stances, though it is important to remember that no means no and there is no winning that person over.
This girl would always hit on me in annoying / excessive ways even when I would blurt out a reminder or two a day, “just friends” or “we’re friends!” or “that’s all its going to be”….. She was so obnoxious and would do a lot to get my attention though I’d be nice and polite never telling her to “f*ck off!” though maybe I should’ve, would’ve hurt me less…
01 Reply- 12 d
*100% No one has an obligation to date you or force you into doing something you aren’t comfortable doing. When you get rejected by someone you love then consider maybe just maybe they don’t feel the same way and you should let go!
- 12 d
What pisses me off about this question is you know good and well what the issues are.
1) Women reject men on dating apps if the man as much as makes a positive mention of God in his profile. It has been proven that over 90% of rejections online are because the man mentioned God in his profile.
2) They reject decent people, and date criminals the next day. Then they complain when the criminal beats them up, but then for some ungodly reason, they stay with the abuser instead of just leaving his sorry ass.
3) They reject a man just because he's not filthy rich, which news flash, about 90% of American men are not filthy rich.
4) Women think they are owed half your paycheck every pay period, which they are not. Get your own damned job and your own damned money.
01 Reply- 12 d
well if he's rejected for being a christian then i think thats a sign💀 more and more r atheists nowadays, and many christians force their religion onto others esp if thats one of the main topics in their convos, they prob dont wanna get involved.
and those decent people r? if she dates a criminal its likely she's also a criminal so its good they reject u, no? god ur chronically online, women dont need filthy rich men, get off the internet man.
no woman thinks she owes half ur paycheck. most women have jobs, unless she's a housewife and u provide for her
- 12 d
He sounded out of line.
I guess the two sexes will never fully understand each other or be able to fully identify with each others struggles.
Most women probably could have dates any time they wanted and get asked out all the time. Most guys are probably romantically alone and would die alone unless they took the chance and approached strangers. Women just sit back and weed through all of the offers, many guys are just trying to find anyone to accept and get a lot of no's.
It is probably hard to relate to the others place.
He was either an asshole or you were the 10th straight no he's gotten this week.
00 Reply I don't get upset at all. It's just a numbers game anyway baby everyone needs to accept that. I hit on about 13ish woman a week, call it about 2 a day. Out of that I have a hit rate of about 25% so call it 3-4 who take the bate. Almost 100% of those who respond to the flirting will go on a date so call it 2-3 dates a week. I have about a 50% hit rate of doing 3 dates max then bangin' her so I get laid about twice a week (keep in mind I have ongoing sex with people I'm still dating who think they are exclusive.) So nah I don't give a crap about rejection it all part of the game baby!
00 Reply- 12 d
Why did you frame the question as if men generally do it to the point where you experienced it all the time? This is obviously something that hasn't happened to your often at all, and I'm sure it's not the first time you rejected somebody.. That guy probably may have thought you were lying, or just called you that to your face to help himself feel better (not justifying it.) Many times, a lot of women don't nicely reject guys, or guys are getting constantly rejected so that might build up some frustration...
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)12 d
Not simply men. Women get upset too. It means that they feel that the other person doesn't understand their worth and they might go extremes to prove them their worth and get validated by them. This creates an environment of chasing and this makes it harder for the person who got rejected to let go. Some guys and girls use rejecting as a mechanism to make the other person chase them. It's better to stay away from such kind of players. Else, your life will be damaged if they play you worse to satisfy their ego without accepting you.
10 Reply - 12 d
I think this is another one of those relationship areas women are ignorant of. Since most women don't approach most men, women can create a belief of how they would feel if they got rejected. Reality is each situation is different. Tbh this is why men should consistently practice, by attempting to pick up as many women as they can, it's simply a numbers game.
32 Reply- Asker12 d
This makes no sense. You guys like to believe if you were approached all the time, as you seem to believe every woman is, that you would happily say yes to everyone, but the reality is you are attracted to who you are attracted to, or not like everyone else, and you may be in a relationship or married, and so saying yes, would be impossible unless you're a cheater. So why are we made out to be the bad guys for saying no in as polite a way as possible? When you ask, there are two answers, yes or no, and you have to be prepared for both. As I said, would it suck to hear no's, yes, fully acknowledge that, but why did I "deserve" to be called a bitch for simply saying no and that I was HELLO, in a committed relationship already?? Why would you want your girlfriend to say yes to some random asking her out if she's dating you?
- 11 d
@Asker The fact that it makes no sense to you is the point. Women are mostly ignorant of the things it takes to be successful w/ women as a man. Part of your confusion is that you're ignoring most of the statement to reiterat how you feel, while looking to attribute everything back to yourself. The same way the guys risk rejection when aapproaching women risk, being disrespected when saying no its part of the game. What is interesting is that most guys can overcome this simply by practicing approaching more women, however since women need to feel special they don't quite understand this as you have demonstrated.
- 11 d
They put their hopes dreams and worth i to it… the rejection hurts.
This is why guys need to not care what the answer is. Females want the guy all caught up and excited… and as well they will shoot him to pieces based upon their whims.
It requires emotional maturity… which is what they are often weeding out… because it only gets harder.00 Reply I don’t think it’s a man issue and more of a people issue. No one likes rejection but I do think people who take it the hardest are the ones who already have a deep unresolved rejection wound from early life and being rejected in adulthood acts as a trigger and just reinforces their subconscious feelings of being unworthy so they can be pretty volatile especially if their sense of self is built around the validation of others, it can be a huge blow to the ego.
00 ReplyI hate this. My brother has always gotten the girls he wanted too, but the girls he didn't want gave him crap. Entitlement from both sides is crazy at least where I am in NYC. I can't say guys are more entitled but they are more dangerous just cuz they're stronger
00 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)12 d
It is not so much the rejection that pisses men off but the way the rejection is delivered, if it was issued politely then there would not be a problem, it is when women act like harpies and usually in a group that pisses of the men.
The vast majority of men are used to being rejected when they approach women, and they know their chances lie between nothing and bugger all. I wonder if women have noticed that they are only being approached by a limited number of men, they vast majority want nothing to do with them.
00 Reply Well i guess its just an anger thing. Like it just hurts to hear a "No" so you get pissed because you are masking sadness with it. Like this one guy at my school asked out a girl, and she flat out just rejected him instantly because he is a known asshole, so he starts spreading rumors about her sleeping with him and 2 more guys in 1 night during a hangout or something. Everyone instantly knew he is lying but like, i guess its just a coping mechanism?
10 Reply2K opinions shared on Dating topic. They don't.
They get upset over the toll or social disrespect they will need to deal with as a result. Just like getting rejected by a big job, they will often tell you why, and what to improve.
Hence there being the art of "tact". It's important to learn how to say "no" and prevent boulders falling on you as a result.
Too many dimwits seem to think "no" is a complete sentence, and that guns, kidnappings and murders are not a thing.
00 Reply- 10 d
They get angry because they hope for a yes but get a no instead. It hurts their feelings. It's not a pleasant feeling so of course they won't be happy with it. They get angry because maybe ego? Maybe they take it too personal. If there is no chemistry, there is no chemistry, not much we can do about that. Or they haven't matured enough to not take a rejection as a personal attack. This all doesn't just apply to men.
00 Reply - 11 d
Unless he really really liked her usually guys handle rejection pretty well
For exmple if he's indifferent about her and doesn't care either way
Then he'll be ok if he thinks there is nothing special about this girl
To even be afraid or insecure of losing her it won't even matter
Just like not all guys are worth crying over lol
From a males perspective not all girls are worth fucking anyway lol00 Reply 423 opinions shared on Dating topic. Isn't that obvious? Because nobody likes failure. Especially when they've emotionally invested themselves and tried their best to succeed. Having to simply accept failure and move on hurts.
Are you claiming women enjoy being rejected or something?00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)11 d
men don't get upset at being rejected, they get upset at how they're rejected
men are perfectly ok with "sorry, not interested"
on the other hand, men are not ok with "fuck off loser, how are you approach me, creep" or insert some racist label
rejection is one thing. rude rejection is another
even then, rejection isn't limited to just men
00 Reply 10.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Some people are hypersensitive. But then when someone rejects you rudely (as opposed to just being clear they aren't interested) some may feel like getting back at them.
I remember where I used to work this guy who was kind of a doofus asked this girl out (she was no prize herself) and she told other girls at work about it with kind of an "As if!!!" attitude and even the other girls thought she was out of line.
00 Reply- 10 d
Well it's all thanks to mommy because mommy never teach him discipline he was never told you can't always get what you want. Especially millennial men they think they can get woman as if we were an accessory or a cellphone.
10 Reply 1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Men closely tie their value to being accepted and qualified for women. Their objective is to be highly desired by all women, or at least as many as possible. When any woman rejects him, she’s single handedly standing in the way of his objective.
10 Reply5.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. It is the number of rejections, which tend to be high, particularly on dating apps, and the manner of the rejections, which tend to be demeaning and degrading and hostile, that men find upsetting - women, particularly young women, can be and often are quite rude and condescending to men they are uninterested in.
00 Reply- 12 d
A guy who has a weak ego would react that way! After all, it does hurt, and it's hard not to take it personally. But in this case, you already had a boyfriend, so that rejection is not personal, so he had no reason to call you that!
00 Reply Some men think women are just there to be used, and don’t consider that they have likes and dislikes, and might already be involved with another man. A polite rejection is just that. They should move on and not be offended. It happens.
00 Reply- 12 d
Luckily I never had a guy take it badly, of the guys who asked me out or for my number when rejected they were never mean to me. Some people are just immature and can't handle being rejected.
00 Reply 11.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. They've been raised to believe that they are entitled to the attention of a woman of their choice, at least within their peer group. When they are rejected they feel cheated.
00 Reply- 11 d
Individuals from general society can't light firecrackers on any sort of open land, including parks and roads. (The standard even applies to sparklers.)
00 Reply Because it is a failed hunt, it is not just pride hurting but also means you are hungry for a while too.
00 Reply- 12 d
Nobody likes rejection, men or women. Some people just don’t handle it as well as others. It’s not a gender thing at all
00 Reply - 10 d
Great question!! 💯!!! Get over yourself and walk it off!!
21 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)12 d
Same reason certain women get upset when told men won't date single mothers or fatties, or who have a high body count or an only Fans, or are too old.
10 Reply - 12 d
veryone gets upset about rejection. don't act as if women didn't. it's a normal human emotion and you're just being psychopathic by showing no empathy.
00 Reply - 10 d
I don't know, I'm not that sort of man. That guy was some kind of asshole.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)11 d
There is no nice way to reject anybody regardless of how you look at it. People hate being rejected for any sort of reason. But if you had a boyfriend he should have respect for you
00 Reply - 11 d
I've always assumed it was a pent-up frustration thing. Where the guy is taking out the frustration from multiple rejections out on you.
00 Reply - 12 d
It's just immaturity. Some people can't handle rejection.
00 Reply 509 opinions shared on Dating topic. It's because it hurts the feelings a bit. It causes thoughts of being unattractive and undesired. Why don't you ask someone out and maybe you can experience it for yourself!
01 Reply- 11 d
I don't, because women are like buses, one will pass in ten minutes, fifteen at most.(Though with Transit Windsor's cruddy bus service, that may not apply in their case.)
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)12 d
No guy is required to ask a woman out.
Why do guys get angry over rejection? For the same reason women get angry when men look at them, talk to them, and then DON'T ask them out. Why do women get angry about this? It's the same answer.
00 Reply 4.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. Personally I would much rather get a flat out rejection than this "maybe once we get to know each other"; then three weeks later and you still can't decide.
00 Reply- 12 d
if you believe in any mainstreamreligion most of them want us to multiply.
00 Reply - 11 d
Hate to break it to ya. But women handle it a lot worse. But that’s acceptable in our society. If men get upset, he gets criticized
00 Reply - 11 d
The reason is the same why girls get upset over rejection. You get so upset that you wait until guy initiates.
00 Reply - 10 d
Cause they are adolescent and immature. I learned a long time ago that everybody i like may not necessarily like me back that's just a part of life. No one person is everybody's type
00 Reply - 11 d
They are assholes. They probably rejected some girls before they get rejected and they are mad because they are receiving the same treatment that they have given.
00 Reply - 11 d
No idea, I never pursued dating ended dating two women then quit whilst I'm ahead
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)12 d
People feel entitled.
That they are owed.They aren't.
00 Reply - 12 d
I don't. I prefer an honest "Not interested." to game playing.
00 Reply - Show More (11)
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