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7 mo

Is it okay to wear makeup everyday? I just don't like myself w/o makeup, but no one has really seen me without makeup?

I think it is okay to wear makeup as much or as little as you wish but either way it is important that you are comfortable with how you look without it. If you do want to build that confidence you... Fashion & Beauty

7 mo

Girls, would you date a guy, that uses these words?

Alpha/Beta man/male: red flag. I've learned the hard way men who are too obsessed with keeping their image as a "man" are unhinged. Cuck: just a word for men who enjoy watching their partner... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Girls, would you wear this dress on a first date?

Absolutely not. I'd prefer a modest outfit to weed off anyone who would be potentially interested only in my body. If I was really willing to dress sexy though, then I'd instead wear something... Dating

8 mo

Girls, what kind of underwear do you usually wear? Guys, what kind of underwear do you want to see on your girl?

I own different kinds but prefer thongs the most because they feel the most comfortable for me. My second favorite is briefs. Anything else has to be seamless to be comfortable for me. My... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Do you think it's okay for your boyfriend/girlfriend to talk to their best friends about your relationship problems?

TL;DR: it is good to share with a few people if you wisely choose who to share with. I choose friends who I know will keep it confidential and will hold me accountable when I'm wrong. Absolutely.... Relationships

8 mo

Am I the only guy who hates it when girls call you their friend?

Looks like a you problem. Why are you getting so offended over good people not bending their reality to your stupid weirdo motives? Just stop interacting with women if you can't find any meaning... Girl's Behavior

8 mo

Do you think my standards for a long term relationship are reasonable or too high in your opinion?

The only thing I find unreasonable here is the point about "small things". You don't get to decide what's a big deal to her and what's not. If I can nitpick I'd say that I'd personally hate to be... Relationships

8 mo

The guy I’m with says we’re “together” but not in a relationship? What’s the difference?

You should ask him instead of us because only HE knows what those words mean to him. Relationships mean different things to different people so it is important that you both understand what you... Dating

8 mo

Do you have physical criteria/preferences for a dating partner and did you deliberately choose whatever your preferences are?

I don't have many strong preferences. I don't think of bodies in a "I like this body type more than that" but I more so think along the lines of "I like abc about this body type, I like xyz about... Dating

8 mo

How can I make my boyfriend miss me?

As a clingy person I'd say that it is probably not a good idea to get into toxic and manipulative territory to make someone miss you. I'm just me, I work on being a better person everyday, and if... Dating

8 mo

Is it normal to almost be addicted to being a woman and being obsessed with fashion, shoes makeup and all things girly?

Sounds less about being a woman and more about you getting into a frenzy once you are finally getting the freedom to do everything you wanted. While it's "normal" for people to get into such... Fashion & Beauty

8 mo

Girls, what makes you more bitter: when men care about women's beauty or women's body count?

3 sounds the least unreasonable out of all these. I can understand wanting someone fit and healthy if you are also fit and healthy yourself, after all it is important that your lifestyle and... Dating

8 mo

Do you think thick eyebrows are hot?

I love thick eyebrows but also I find that it kinda depends on the person and the rest of their facial features. I have thick eyebrows and I don't ever remove any eyebrow hairs myself, but when I... Other

8 mo

Girls, What’s something you wish more men knew how to do better?

1. Communicate. Not saying spill everything out when you're not ready for it, but a lot of men need to work on their communication skills. 2. Boundaries. It's sad how many men still don't... Dating

8 mo

What do you think about pick me girls/boys? Did any of them succeed in stealing your partner?

Honestly, not even men like pick-me girls no matter how much men in the comments are defending them. And this is coming from someone who has been through a pick-me phase before and has worked a... Dating

8 mo

Ladies, what is your most masculine trait? And men what’s your most feminine trait?

A lot of people actually told me that I'm kinda tomboyish back in my teenage years! But here are some of my "masculine" traits: I enjoy watching sports. I am a logical thinker and look for... Other

8 mo

When it comes to dating: Why do guys want sex before getting to know the girl first?

Most guys who want sex early on are honestly not interested in a relationship and just want to get what they want and then leave. I am personally at a stage of life where I myself prefer to have... Dating

8 mo

Would you be friends with someone, who doesn't consider you attractive?

I'd understand not being someone's type, but being considered straight-up ugly or bad-looking, why would you even feel that way about a friend? It automatically tells me that the person doesn't... Fashion & Beauty

8 mo

Is it ok to remain friends with an ex while married?

Depends a lot on the situation and the people. I can only find myself staying friends with a guy I've dated in the past if it was nothing intense and we have our boundaries well-communicated.... Relationships

8 mo

Is an "independent woman" equal to "an average man"?

Would you ask the same question to an "independent man"? Would you ask him what he is independent from? Or do you just want to act dumb when you ask these questions to women? Being independent... Society & Politics

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