Can I work as a police officer if I have a lazy eye (amblyopia in my right eye) and a bit of an ADHD?

I'm a 20 year old American guy who's currently enrolled in college here in the state of AZ. My left eye is a very strong normal eye and can read 20/20 while with my lazy right eye, the highest vision level I can read is somewhere between 20/70-20-100ish. Although I technically wasn't diagnosed of ADHD by an actual psychiatrist or professional, I was diagnosed by my public school (at some behavioral center that they have) back when I was in elementary school. As of right now, I do try to be attentive when people try to tell me something but at times, still daydream a bit and then politely try to ask the person to repeat some of the things he/she just told me. As for my physical body shape and condition, I run a lot of miles and occasionally lift weights. I also used to box when I was younger.

Are these huge red flags if I plan on becoming a police officer?
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Can I work as a police officer if I have a lazy eye (amblyopia in my right eye) and a bit of an ADHD?
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