Boyfriends coworkers keep making fat jokes and making him feel like he's a complete idiot?

Due to Covid my boyfriend and I have basically been up shits creek. We both lost our jobs in the very beginning and it took us months and over 300 applications sent out to actually get a response from an employer. We even applied at places like McDonalds, which we were 100% more than qualified for and no responses were given.

My boyfriend finally landed a job a month and a half ago. There has been a world of issues since he started. His good friend and his cousin were the ones who got him the job. His friend is the supervisor. Since he started his crew (5 people) has basically called him an idiot because the boards he has been cutting for them to build the walls are coming out pinched or angled AND the saw continuously jumps; to a point where boards are flying at his face while he is cutting them. Yesterday the supervisor, my bfs friend, came out to inspect the saw and realized the saw wasn't leveled off and was an inch an a half dropped. So none of this was my BFs fault but his coworkers still tried making out like it was.

That and they are now making fat jokes about him. My boyfriend is heavier set (240lbs) and 5'9". He is not obese by any means but he has a gut. One coworker in particular is always calling him a fat ass and telling him to hit the gym. He says it while laughing and trying to make a joke out of it. Now my boyfriend wants to quit and he is going through a lot of mental turmoil because he can't afford for him to quit. We need employment.

Now, given that his mental state is now at risk due to ignorant fucking coworkers, I wouldn't mind if he left. I would rather couch surf and lose my apartment versus see him sink into depression again. He spoke to his supervisor about this, as well as the manager on site and they haven't done anything at all. They haven't even tried addressing the issue. In fact, they say "They're just fucking with you. That's what the guys do here." But the comments are ONLY made towards him.

What can we do here?
Boyfriends coworkers keep making fat jokes and making him feel like he's a complete idiot?
3 Opinion