Why do women bully nice guys?


Now before any of you get hot under the collar at my question I'm not asking about dating or wanting sex with women. I couldn't give a fig about having sex since I've already had it. Anyway, at work im practically nice to everyone yet there is this girl who hangs out with a group of us but me and her are frenemies and I never say a word to her as I've tried to be friendly with her but she's a bitch to me so I return the favor. Now apparently whenever I'm not around she talks shit about me and tells everyone how I'm slow and how I look slow AKA retarted and she gets upset when my other coworkers defend me against her and apparently she gives them attitude and I've never been rude to her at all and yet she snubs me any chance she gets but if I do the same to her then she gets but hurt and I don't care if she gets offended. Most of the women in my work area like me so I don't see why she sees me a threat even though I don't give her the time of day and I don't even flirt with her or have even tried. It just bothers me that she takes so much energy to try to put me down and yet I know for a fact that if I confront her then I would get in trouble with my managers or worse HR.

Why do women bully nice guys?
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