Is it too late to choose a different professional path for your life at 25?

My whole life was centered around one thing. Theater. Since I can remember my passion were theatre and movies. But complections with my mental health made that dream almost impossible. Two years ago I started a new job, completely different for me and my talent, but I decided to except it, so I can persue my passion in the city that I am currently living. But with time and stress my depression and social anxiety became unbearable. That ofcourse made my life even more hard. I stopped acting, going out and sleeping... I was so unbelievably tired that I was unable to do anything else except working. A month ago I decided to quit because I couldn't handle the pressure anymore and even had suicidal thoughts. I knew all the complections about my decisions. My art major, the inflation, the deficit of proper working places and so on... Some friends of my mom still talk behind her back how stupid I am and how my mental health it is not that bad and that I am just pretending and manipulating her, also that 25 is TOO late for deciding a different professional path. I am so hurt that I have to leave art behind... So what do you think?

P. S. sorry for my bad English 🥲
Is it too late to choose a different professional path for your life at 25?
4 Opinion