Is it important to be modest at all times? Even during job interviews or sales pitches or dates?

I just wrote up a draft for some possible things I could say to a group or a person who might be my future employer one day. I realized a lot of my words, seemed self egotistical, and possibly unrealistic. Like I believe my credentials are higher than my intellectual skills, so it might not be honest to toot my own horn. Like if I say that I was in the enhanced program for people who score in the 98th percentile on intellectual capacity tests, got the highest grade among 200 students in my bachelors program, and used to memorize 300 pages a day in first year university, people might be expecting a rocket scientist and not somebody like me, who got fired from a basic digital CNC programming role at a STEM company.

Modesty is always a good thing
It depends
Modesty is dumb
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Is it important to be modest at all times? Even during job interviews or sales pitches or dates?
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