Moral question am I right or wrong?

So I work for a kid with autism. And I know some people say you should let kids with Autism get away with more stuff because sometimes they don't understand why they don't get to do something. They sometimes can't be communicated too (depending on how severe the autism is). Now this kid has kept the mother up all night because she lets him do whatever he wants. I don't I block his way so he can only return to bed and he does fall asleep with me even if he screams in anger before. I always tell him its okay to be upset but that doesn't mean you can always get your way. Now he hasent slept all night, he will probblaby have a seizure. Am I abusive or I'm in the right?

by the way, this kid has severe autism so it's not like the normal level your friend has if you have any friends with autism.

You are wrong since he doesn't always understand
You are in the right
I'm not sure
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9 mo
Anyone else?
9 mo
Okay seams like I should just let him do whatever he wants then even if it hurts him. Thanks for voting!
Moral question am I right or wrong?
Post Opinion