Should I continue studying for 2nd bachelors degree in Nursing or study masters in counseling instead or study new medical program? please help?


A bit of background information

I'm 32, currently in the BSN track for Nursing as my 2nd bachelors degree & this is my 1st back in school after so long. My 1st degree was in Sociology, graduated in 2016. I had teaching jobs after that and I still love teaching but due to certain circumstances I've decided to pursue Nursing since it was one of my passions that I was interested in. I was a teacher at a private school 2 years ago & I've had a tutoring job & daycare job last year. I still have the daycare job now but its on call since I'm back to school again. I always love to help people & have been researching about nursing jobs a lot lately so hence why I'm pursing it now.

Anyways, since I already had my 1st bachelors, I don't need to worry about general education credits since it's been waived but I do need pre-requisite classes such as Anatomy & Physiology, Inorganic Chemistry, & Organic Chemistry and to pass entrance exam before I go into Nursing school. However, I'm not doing so well in Organic Chemistry I may need to repeat which is fine with me but you're only allowed 3 repeats for pre-requisite classes. I already had 1 repeat from my 1st BA degree & that was for statistics class. So I'm down to 2 repeats. But now my advisor is also telling me that if I do pass the class with a "C" it needs to be a high "C" like 75 or higher otherwise I would have to repeat it. My anatomy theory class I'm doing fine in but my anatomy lab class I'm worried that it may be a low "C". My plan is to re-take inorganic Chemistry next fall since I'm under americorp grant but if I withdraw then I need to pay out of pocket but advisor suggests spring since its still fresh in my mind.

Anyways, I'm just wondering if I should continue with BSN generic track for Nursing degree with my plan to repeat chemistry next Fall or drop this since I already have a degree but work on my masters for counseling or should I study Social work or LPN or Medical assistant instead. Please help

Continue studying BSN track for Nursing degree with plan to repeat Chemistry next fall
Continue studying BSN track for Nursing degree with plan to repeat Chemistry next semester which is spring
Drop this program, you already have your bachelors, Go Study Masters in Counseling
Study Social Work Instead
Study LPN Instead
Study Medical Assistant Instead
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5 mo
I also forgot to mention that I'm also interested in being a dentist. So if you're going to vote for other then you can list what other option I can do or indicate dentist. Thanks so much in advance! :D
Should I continue studying for 2nd bachelors degree in Nursing or study masters in counseling instead or study new medical program? please help?
5 Opinion