Am I wrong for putting in for annual leave for a shift I dont want to do?

I had done this shift previously where I went home with a 2 day migraine and was crying for hours after the shift was done. It was a 10 hour shift total and the coworkers who were on were completely useless, leaving me to do majority of the work. One of them was new and kept calling me none stop anxious and being demanding for me to do X and Y for her. I haven't told my manager about this but I had addressed the problem regarding my coworkers behaviours and listed the strategies I used to deal with this but nothing seems to have happened from what I can see.

It is only 1 shift like this every 2 months, and the last one completely broke me. I still have some leave left over and had already taken 2 weeks off last month. I feel guilty but I do not want to do this shift until next year when I feel a lot refreshed and my coworkers know their roles better.
Am I wrong for putting in for annual leave for a shift I dont want to do?
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