Why is my coworker setting me up to fail?


I have worked for a company for 3 months so I am still relatively new to the job. During my time here, I have experienced underhand aggression and passive aggressive remarks from one coworker in particular in regards to my work which is making me feel on edge, and like I am walking on eggshells all the time not wanting to slip up or make another mistake.

One instance was when we were both sat together and I was booking my seat for the days I was going to be in the office and I booked the window seats. As soon as she saw what I was doing she went on the booking system and booked all her seats the same ones I’d booked so I didn’t take her seat. Then the next week when I went in the office she said to me ‘you can’t sit here because I’ve stolen your seat sorry’

Another thing she likes to do is to keep me working past my normal working hours when she is training me. When I make an error she will be very judgmental and say ‘why on earth have you saved that as a copy?’ And then she will copy my manager into an email and tell her I’ve made a mistake. It makes me feel on edge all the time and like I’m walking on eggshells.

On a separate occasion we both did a task together and she gave me help with it so I assumed that the task was done to the best of my ability. Once I handed in the task to her she replied to my email with a list of all the mistakes I’d made, and this felt confusing as we had both worked on the task together. She keeps reiterating in the same email ‘as you haven’t been signed off yet on this task’ and it makes me feel incompetent.

On a separate occasion she humiliated me in a meeting with coworkers and made me share my screen and then pulled me up on why I hadn’t let her know that I had a flagged an email for her to respond to in the inbox. She said ‘because you’ve missed this window to reply now this is going to make me look bad’

I just feel like I can’t do anything right at all and it’s starting to impact my anxiety.

Why is my coworker setting me up to fail?
4 Opinion